Chapter 10

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My axe was covered in Kasha's blood. I closed her eyes and got up, terrified.

"Nice job 7. Let's get a move on." Gio said.

"I have a name you know." I said. "It's Erabelle."

"Alright then. Nice job, Erabelle. Let's move, now." he said. I rolled my eyes and followed them back to the camp. While we were walking, I began to wince in pain. My left ankle was extremely sore and swollen. I yelped in agony as I accidently kicked a rock with my bad foot. I fell onto the ground, face first.

"What's wrong?" Barbel said. He was leaning over me, flipping me onto my back.

"My ankle. I think I messed it up when running into that girl." I said. I didn't want them to know that Kasha and I formed a small bond at the Training Center. I bit my lip as he rolled up my pantleg. Sure enough, it was broken. It was swollen and black and blue, with a bit of bone sticking out. I almost screamed at the sight of it.

"This is bad. We better get you back to the Cornucopia." Barbel said. He carefully picked me up and placed me on his back. At one point I blacked out from the pain. At first, I thought I was dead, until I awoke safe and sound back at the Cornucopia. It was dark outside, and Lily was tending to my wounds. She was humming a tune as she took off my boot and rolled up my pantleg. She was a beautiful girl, with long blonde curls and bright blue eyes. She smiled when she saw I had awoken, and gave me some water and squirrel meat. My ankle was wrapped in a white dressing, which must have come from a sponsor. Lily kept wetting a piece of cloth and placing it ontop of the wound, which gave a cool sensation throughout my leg.

I began to doze off when I heard them talking. It was Ash and Dena, sitting in the tent together.

"We have to kill her Ash. She will only slow us down. She can have first watch with Barbel tonight, and we will kill her while she is fast asleep. It will be easy." Dena said. Not if I kill her first. I thought. I took up the offer of first watch with Barbel, but secretly I was coming up with a plan in my mind. That is when I got it. A silver parachute came from the sky, with a huge box hanging from it. Barbel caught it and opened it. It was a boot for my ankle, and a note came with it.

"From a special F.O. and A.C. Stop getting hurt sharkbait. -Johanna"  The note read. F.O. and A.C. I thought of the intials over and over in my mind. Finally, Barbel said it.

"It's from your parents, Erabelle. They are the only people I can think of with the intitials F.O. and A.C." he said. Of course. Finnick Odair and Annie Cresta.

"Did you ever meet them?" I asked. He was from the same district, so he obviously heard of them.

"Only your mom. She used to sit at the beach alot after winning the Games, and I always used to see her when I went fishing. I tried to talk to her, but she didn't reply." he said, pondering his memories of home. I slipped on the boot over my ankle and stood up. I could walk again, but it was sort of a hobble.

"Barbel, why don't you get some sleep. You look tired, and I'm not at all. Slept all day, remember?" I said. He nodded and went inside the tent. As much as I didn't want to, I had to kill Barbel and Lily. They were both so nice to me. I waited until Barbel was fast asleep when I did it. The Careers had a oil that was used for starting fires sitting in a bag. I opened the bottle and drizzled the oil all over the tent and around the doorway. I grabbed as much supplies as I could, food, water, weapons, first aid supplies, and backpacks and hid them in a bush. I grabbed a pack of matches and lit one, throwing it onto the tent. I watched as the tent went up in flames. Muffled screams came from inside the tent. It tipped over to a side as they all tried to scramble out. It was quite funny, seeing them squirm around like that. Finally, six cannons went off. That signaled they were dead. I shook my head in pity at myself. It is only the third day of the games, and more then half of the remaining tributes are dead. All of which I killed.

I walked over to the bush where my supplies were hidden. I grabbed the two packs filled with supplies and moved along. The Capitol sent a hovercraft to pick up the tributes bodies, and distiguish the fire. I found a cave whilst walking, and decided I should rest. I hid deep inside the cave, and prepared a small meal. I ate slowly and drank some water. The Captiol anthem played, and I looked outside to see each of the Careers faces, and Kasha's in the sky. What a surprise that must be for the other tributes. I decided the cave was safe enough, so I went to sleep. I awoke to great pain in my ankle. I slipped it out of the cast and took a look at it. The swelling went down, but it was still purple and wounded. I applied some cream from the first aid supplies and wrapped it with cloth. I slipped it back into the boot and sat up.

I peeked outside of the cave. It was late afternoon, perfect hunting time. I grabbed my packs and attempted to climb a tree. I almost fell out, because of the boot. It was so big and clumsy. I finally got to a high branch and rested from exahaustion. I hung the packs onto a branch and leaned my head out from the leaves. The Cornucopia was farther behind me, and a patch of scorched grass lied where I murdered the Careers. I heard a bustling in the bushes to my right, and saw Barley. He was unnarmed, and had no supplies. My boot slid off the branch, making a loud noise. Barley looked up immediatly and smiled when he saw me.

"Nice hair." he said. I realized that my hood was down once again, making me noticable miles away. "Come down. I don't want to hurt you, I promise." he said. I had my axe ready as I slowly climbed out of the tree.

"What happened to your leg?" he asked me. I looked into his eyes and remembered exactly what happened. I ran into his sister and fell out of a tree, and then killed her.

"Nothing really. Just broke it, uh, falling out of, uh, a tree." I stuttered. He was tall and strong, so he could surely kill me with just his hands.

"How did all the Careers die at once? Did they decide to kill eachother or something?" he said, forcing a smile.

"I did it. I kinda blew them all up." I said, smiling a bit too. Killing children wasn't a good thing. But I couldn't help smiling when I saw Barley grin.

"What about my sister? How did she die?" he asked. I closed my eyes, hoping he would dissapear. When I opened them, he was still there, tears building up in his eyes. "They killed her, didn't they?" he asked. I shook my head no.

"Well, sort of. I-I kinda, I kinda did." I said. My heart was racing as Barley's face dropped.

"You what?" he demanded.

"They made me. They said they would kill me if I didn't. She was serverly injured anyway. I cried as I did it, and told her I was sorry. It was quick- I promise she didn't feel it." I blurted out. Nothing I could say would stop him from killing me now. Then, he kneeled down on one knee. Looking up at me, tears running down his face, he whispered "Kill me."

I backed away, prepared to run. He yelled it. "Kill me! I couldn't save her! Just kill me!" he said. I placed a kiss on his cheek as I took the death blow.

Based off The Hunger Games; Against All Odds.Where stories live. Discover now