Chapter 1

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Dear diary: I really did not expect this from you, how could he be such a selfish jerk…I have been so good to him since I met him, since we've been together. I truly feel lonely now, how I going to face this all alone? Is it possible anyway?? I mean I loved you with all my heart and I couldn't imagine us breaking apart, not like this…29/04/2015 LORD BE WITH ME.
I always wrote diary entries even though I had no words either to write or to speak. January 16 year 2012, I was happy sweet and nothing worrying me, I went to a new school dated with the most wanted guy in the school but that was just a fling, it just ended up nowhere. I became single again without even worrying, that was a weird thing to my friends, they really thought I would worry them about where will she find a real lover, but turns out that I knew it was worth waiting. School days were just good, perfect until… the 12/10/2012 that’s day was a blessing to my life. He started doing a lot of staring which was rude but fun in a way. I then had a crush to the “always staring guy” in my class, I did weird things to get his attention, like writing small love messages on a piece of paper and leave it on my desk intentionally so that he can take it and have the thought that I left it by mistake BUT I knew that he was going to read it, I knew he was one curious little thing. “oh there is this guys in my class that always stares he is so cute and I think I like him…but I am pretty sure someone this cute has a girlfriend!”  It read.
I felt someone behind me but I really did not mind that until he held my shoulder and said ‘Hi is this yours? I had no words but that day my head helped me a lot…I couldn't deny the fact that I wrote that paper because it had my name at the end. ‘Yes… that’s mine thank you, you know being bored…’  I said. Then I walked away to avoid more silly words I would say to him. I saw him smile and my heart felt the butterflies. I'm pretty sure they were pink. Besides the fact that I love pink, days passed and he still stared I thought he was the staring type since birth and I avoided it by just smiling at him when I saw him staring at me. I told my friend about this and she really laughed and said he is a great guy she was with him in primary she knows everything about him, not really everything but she knew him since the first grade.
I really thought that was the great thing, because now I could send messages via her to him. But my plan was lame because who does that?  So I waited for him to come to me, I carried on being the single, sweet girl I used to be and stared at him while he was not looking and felt more love when I did that. His best friend saw me doing that but because we were a bit close he just smiled and shocked his head, he saw us smiling at each other and he got the wrong idea…I felt like going to him and explain that it really not what he think it is. But I played calm and listened to my inner voice telling me ‘you don’t owe him an explanation you are not dating YET! He will see the real thing eventually don’t rush things’
He stopped staring and for a week he was not the joker in the class, they thought he was not feeling well but I just thought about the smiling scene I did and thought it my entire fault but he was really not feeling well. Monday he did not show up at school and I really felt sad. But actually he was sick, I actually used my friend to find out that for me but she didn’t know that, I told her to ask his best friend since they were all in the same primary school they know each other. So I found out that he is really not well. He came back on Tuesday and my day was awesome actually the whole week was fun and amazing. We started talking and being class mates, as each day passed love was building itself in my heart. I felt for him and I even noticed things in common and the great things about him, most of them my friend helped. 
‘Dear diary: he is so sweet and loving I see it in his eyes, his laughter is incredible not to mention his smile…I think I am in love. LORD HELP ME. This was my first great diary entry I have ever done this year…just kidding. But I just can't stop thinking about him, he is the great guy I've seen so far, I THINK. I then played another silly game so that he could have my numbers…I wrote them in a piece of paper with my address and gave it to my cousin, I was in the same class as her she left them on his desk I really didn’t plan that…but seems like she saw what was happening and decided to make it happen for real. Saturday 10/10/2012 I was at home doing laundry and my phone rang I saw this number which was not saved on my phone book obviously. I picked up the phone with wet hands…’hallo how are you?’ he sounded scared and tired, ‘hi I'm fine and how are you?’ I said pretending that I didn’t hear it was him, ‘can you hear who you speaking to?’ he asked, ‘Err…no, can you perhaps tell me who you are?’  I replied ‘it me Shaun from Your school, I got your numbers from your cousin Jennifer and I thought I should call you and say what I wanted to say all along. You know I need to talk to you about something really important, but I want to say it to your eyes. So can I talk to you on Monday if you don’t mind? I was smiling and my heart was jumping. ‘Ok no problem, I'm sure a couple of minutes wouldn’t hurt right? ‘Not at all Monday it is then take care until Monday’ he hanged up. I was still smiling.
Monday 12/10/2012 he came to me early in the morning shacking like something happened or he just saw a goast. ‘Hi can I talk to u for two minutes?’ I was scared but I said yes… he told me how he felt about me and how he wanted to be my boyfriend, build a relationship with me. I told him I will tell him how I feel about him after a few days. He couldn’t wait for that long he came to me later that day and asked if I was ok and what do I think about what he told me earlier, I had no choice but release the bird and I told him I liked him. Sounded weird with the ‘like’ but he knew what I was talking about. I found peace in my heart that day and happiness. He then gave me a hug. I felt my body being warm with that smell. He really smelled great and sweet.

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