Chapter 3

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Dear diary, I had a great time with him today I will never forget this day. The way he told me he loved was un explainable it really warmed my heart, I really didn’t know what to say but I’m glad he didn’t even give me a chance to speak because of that sweet kiss he gave to me, it was pink and by that I mean great. LORD HELP.  From that day on I couldn’t take him away from my mind. He was the best, made me forget about all my silly things and the worst things that happen to me from time to time. The feeling I as feeling each day was unexplainable, love was on top.
1/12/2012 this day was scary I have to say. I met his mom in town but with the fact that I know her from a photo I was scared to greet her, but I actually did it wasn’t awesome I was scared because she greeted me first, how scary can that be? But I managed to calm down and greet her back. She really looked scary. It was like this was all planned. Shaun called me right after that and told me to come over. It wasn’t really the first time I go to his house but it was still hard. I went to aunts first before I went to him. He called me and asked where was I. He just couldn’t wait to trick me as always. 13:22 I arrived and text him ‘at the gate’. He replied ‘I’m coming’ he text back. ‘Now that was quick’ I thought to myself, because I usually text him that I’m at the gate and he would take 10 minutes to reply. That’s just cold.
He opened the game and gave me a hug ‘how are you’ he said ‘I’m ok and what made you text back so quick?’ I asked. I was actually busy with my phone at that time, is it a bad thing? ‘No not at all I’m just shocked. Are you really alone?’ I just asked an obvious question, which was really not obvious if you know what I mean. ‘Yes, I’m alone that’s the second reason I called you’. ‘Oh you called me because u bored not because you miss me?’ I said. In an irritated voice. ‘Ahh…no it’s really not like that baby girl, I’m sorry if it sounded that way but I miss you and I just want to be with you no fighting please.’ He said, looking very sorry. ‘I was really not serious about that’ I said laughing at him. We got inside it all felt like a story of a little ghost you, I mean it all happened so fast.
Silly him after he closed the doors and I had no way to run and turn back ‘I’m actually with my mum’ he said with a big smile can you believe this? This guy is really tricky but I still love him though. ‘What??! You must be joking because I’m about to die now’ I exclaimed. He kept on laughing, actually he really looked happy about this while I was scared and nervous. ‘Come on now it won’t be that bad trust me’. Because I really trust I held his hand and we went straight to the dining room. OH MY GOD she was more beautiful than I imagined. She had the soft silky skin I wished to have when I was 12 years. Her smile was like the sun coming up in the morning.
When she greeted me I really felt like crazy because I was so happy and I really don’t know why I was happy but my heart felt the sunshine. ‘Mum this is Cindy, Cindy this is my mum’ he said with a happy sounding voice. ‘Hi’ we both said it the same time together. ‘How are you?’ she asked. I wanted to tell her she is beautiful but I was too nervous. ‘I’m good and how are you?’ I said back. ‘I’m ok’ she still had the smile on her face. We went to the other sitting room I was shaking, it was… just I don’t know but something I really don’t wish to do ten times. ‘So how was that?’ Shaun asked I wanted to slap his face but I just thought of the beautiful smile I just saw, like to be honest I DID fall in love with it. ‘That was just fast and unbelievable, why did you do that?’ I asked him with a wide smile. He didn’t reply but kept on laughing so hard and finally he said ‘because I love you and you are the best’. He sounded very serious which made me stop all the shaking and smiling.
I felt what he was saying and I couldn’t reply he saw that and he just kissed me and he looked me straight inside my brown eyes and said ‘I want to be with you until my teeth fall out, I want to treat you like a queen, not the one you see on television but a REAL queen. I really love you with all my heart and I wouldn’t trade you with anything around this world.’ I felt tears but I didn’t cry because I just didn’t want him to see my tears at a wrong time. ‘But I always feel like a queen when I’m with you, and I love you more.’ I felt like this love was ending but it was not I’m probably starting to be crazy.
The whole emotion moment had to end now, I had to ask a silly question. ‘So where are your brothers?’ I just didn’t believe this, His baby brother walked in ‘Shaun who is this?’ we both laughed and he came towards me and looked at me, he was cute with that soft little face and a silly question. ‘hallow to you too Calvin this is MY Cindy where is yours?’ he was just confusing the poor little face, but he seemed so ok with the words and actually understood them ‘I don’t have a Cindy I have my cars’ he said then he went out. I was shocked how he understood that even though he gave a wrong answer but he was really good.
We had a great day, he told me how he used to play soccer and he once became a goal keeper, hard one hey. His favorite team was Manchester United he really loved soccer. We spent all day telling each other what we love and our past, Although his past was funny but amazing. He told me about his Ex-girlfriends, I didn’t believe him in some of the girls because they looked innocent like him. Some I was in the same class with, which was really tense now that I know and they know I’m dating him. But I had to get used to it. It was becoming late and I had to get a taxi back home.
I was scared to face that beautiful face again and tell her goodbye, but I had to prove Shaun wrong. I walked in there alone and said the magic words, sounds weird I know. ‘Goodbye I’m going now’ I said with my heard beating so fast and I felt like I was sweating. ‘OK, Goodbye dear’ she replied. Shaun walked me to the taxi station and i gave him a hug and got a taxi back home.
19:00 I was about to bath. ‘Dear diary, what a great day I had with my lover. Starting with the words he said to me, gosh I wish I had my diary with me. I just needed to write them down they were just so sweet. I love him to the moon and back, he is my shining star I will never forget this day I pray to GOD. At the moment I’m the happiest women alive. If this love happens to be only in my dream, it’s fine it was meant to be like that. LORD HELP.                                                                              

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