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"Jay!?" I shouted through the crack in the bathroom door, but there was no reply.

Maybe he went out to pick some beer up, I thought as I slowly opened the door the rest of the way, stepping out onto the lament flooring in just my towel. I clutched it tightly closed as I tiptoes through the apartment, Block B's HER playing lightly in the background and forcing my inner demon to surface.

I began to sing and rap my way through the song, occasionally doing a few of the dance moves, all whilst making my way through to the kitchen in my search for a plaster. I searched high and low, in cupboards and drawers until finally I screeched and leaned back against the counter, looking through the open-plan living area until my eyes met Jay's...

I squeezed my eyes closed, praying the when I opened my eyes, Jay and all his friends would be gone and not staring and Megan would not be sat in the corner choking back laughs.

My electric blue eyes flickered open and to no avail, the were all still in place, jaws agape and eyes wider than the universe. One person in particular catching my attention: Zico. He stood leaning against a door frame, looking at me with a straight face, the corners of his mouth twitched and there was a spark of amusement in those dark eyes.

Pinpricks of heat enveloped my face, unknowing of what to do I tried to bow and say hello, but instead managed to whack my face off of the marble island in front of me. "Fuck!" I whimpered as I crouched down, tears forming in my eyes from the force, not cause I'm a little bitch.

I was so humiliated! So I just stayed down, cupping my hand under my nose to catch all the droplets of blood and determined not to embarrass myself anymore.

When warm hands squeezed around my shoulders, I looked up, my face inches from Jays as he looked down at me with the biggest grin.

"I didn't know you were serious about the whole 'big entrance' thing."

"Me neither," I giggled. "I need a plaster."

He pulled a confused face, "a plaster won't do shit for a nose bleed..?"

"No dipshit," I held up my middle finger. "I have a cut."

He nodded then stood up and I hid my body behind his as he grinned at the guests, "urm... we will be right be."

"You alright Jew?" Megan asked, only the smallest hint of genuine concern in her voice.



I gasped loudly as Jay pulled me by my upper arm into his own bedroom, it only took him a few seconds to pull out a cute ass packet of plasters and I couldn't help but laugh at how different he was when not being filmed.

"What?" He asked, wrapping it around my finger.

"Nothing," I chuckled. "I should go get ready..."

"Let me clean up your face first?"

I nodded stiffly, eyeing him as he turned back to his bedside cabinet before pulling out a packet of slim tampons and now I was the one with wide eyes. Did he know what they where actually for?


"These are great, someone gave me one when I had a nosebleed and I thought you can never be too safe." He started. "When I buy them I get weird looks, no idea why..."

I barked out a laugh and it startled him, "those are for women, you know? That time of the month."

For a second his features distorted into disgust but it was swiftly replaced by a shrug of those heavyweight shoulders and a tilt of his head.

"Decenttt!" He cried, "now I look like a good boyfriend!"

"Jesus Christ! Hurry up a put them up my nose so I can go get ready pls..."

-what even is this chapter? Shiiiit

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