Chapter 5

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“What is that?” I asked peering closely at the crate she had just carried into my home. She had made me stop at a store before finally coming back here. Everything else she packed looked normal except for that mysterious crate. A yowl came from the box. “Did it just yowl?”

“It’s my cat Moe,” she said placing the crate on the floor and opening the small wire mesh door. “He’s just mad that he was cooped up for that long.”

“You brought a cat?” I asked. I watched as a medium sized black and white cat carefully crept out of the crate. [AN: I’m totally basing this cat off my own cat Moe] “You never mentioned a cat.”

“Well I am now,” she said crossing her arms. “Is there a problem?” I tried my best to not be distracted by the jeweled green of her eyes.

“It just—I’m more of a dog person. I’m not sure how well my dog Winston will behave around a cat.”

“That’s okay. I’ve had Moe since he was a kitten. He gets along great with dogs.” As if to squelch any further complaints from me Winston chose that moment to walk into the room and up to her cat. They both sniffed one another curiously before nuzzling. Great. My dog was now best buds with her cat.

“What about a litterbox? Don’t cats need those?”

“That’s why I asked you to drop by the store,” she said holding up her shopping bag. “I picked up everything he needs. Moe looked up at her and meowed. Charlie flashed a content smile and picked him up. “My mom insisted that I leave Moe at home when I moved, but I just couldn’t. He’s always been there for me. Go ahead and pet him.”

“Uh…okay,” I said reaching out tentatively. For some reason I was silently praying that her cat actually liked me. Honestly, I wanted Charlie’s approval when it came to something. When my hand was inches away from him the cat arched her back and attacked me. “OW!”

“That’s weird,” Charlie said petting him soothingly as he cuddled close and purred. “He usually likes all guys. He’s best buddies with most of my exes.”

“Well he doesn’t like me,” I pouted. Charlie laughed as she continued to pet the cat.

“Maybe it’s all the moving from place to place. How about you show me my room, and we’ll get settled in.” I tamped down my impulse to ask about her exes and showed her up to the guest room. She stood in the doorway shocked into silence. It was a simple room my own mother had decorated. The center of the room was dominated by a four poster bed with deep red sheets. The walls were a light golden color, and the window seat was done in the same shade of red as the bed. “This is gorgeous. It’s too much. I can’t stay in such a nice place.”

“Relax,” I said with a chuckle. “It’s not that nice. Go ahead and get settled in. I’ll go grab us a snack, and then we can strategize for visiting my family tomorrow.” She nodded her agreement so I left her to it. Once I was in the kitchen I grabbed a couple of bottled waters and some of my mom’s homemade cookies. I took more time than necessary arranging them all on the plate. I marched back to the guest bedroom and knocked gently. “Charlie? Are you decent?”

When I peeked in I discovered Charlie passed out fast asleep on the bed. She must have stretched out to test the bed and fallen asleep. Tonight had been an exhausting night and it was past 2AM now. I set the tray down in the doorway and moved over to take her shoes off. Her cat Moe appeared hissing.

“Shh…” I hissed back. “Do you want to wake her up?” Moe eyed me before meowing softly and curling up on the window seat. “Oh sure. You decide to like me now.” I carefully removed each shoe from her feet before gently picking her up. She stirred slightly, but remained fast asleep. I tucked her under the covers smiling as she sighed happily. I sat on the bed next to her sleeping body.

“Joe,” she whispered in her sleep. My heart stopped for a moment. “Stupid Joe Jonas.” I chuckled wondering just what I had done in her dream. I brushed a strand of wayward hair from her forehead and studied her pale complexion.

“I know I said I would wait to kiss you until you were ready, but I just can’t help myself,” I said.  On impulse I leaned in and placed my lips softly on hers before pulling away. She smiled in her sleep as I watched her. I stood and walked back to the door picking up the tray I had left on the ground. I set the tray on a side table before closing the door and leaning back against it. This little plan of mine was becoming more and more real each day.

[AN: Joe is becoming smitten! ;)]

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