Chapter 12

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“Okay,” Dani said with a wide smile. “Does Joe snore as loudly as Kevin when he sleeps at night?”

“We stayed in different rooms Dani,” I said with a sigh. She had been quizzing me for the past hour about Joe.

“That doesn’t mean that you guys didn’t sneak into one another’s beds.” I laughed as she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. The closest I had come to sharing a bed with Joe had been in my dreams. Just that morning I had woken up with Joe’s scent surrounding me. I had dreamt of him holding me close as I slept. My bed that morning held no traces of Joe except for his scent, which I am sure I imagined.

“Thanks for letting me stay here for a little while, Miles,” I said smiling at Miley. Miley smiled back weakly, but she had been distant ever since we had reached Joe’s that evening. I could tell she was still upset by how close Nick and I were. There had to be some way to convince her that Nick was only my friend.

“It’s no problem,” Miley said fiddling with her hair. Watching her evade my gaze reminded me of Della near the end. I had avoided the tough moments with Della. I pretended that I didn’t see the questions or pleading in her eyes. I couldn’t let this resentment simmer between Miley and me. Ironically, I decided to do what Della would have done years before life became too hard. I told the truth.

“Nick is just my friend,” I said earnestly. “He’s just trying to support me during a stressful situation. I promise you that I’m not interested in him that way.” Miley stood there searching my face for any signs of deception. Dani stood off to the side confused by why I had started talking about Nick. “I’m your friend. Not your competition.”

“I guess that makes sense,” Miley said with a smile; the wall she had built around herself crumbling down. “Besides, I’ve seen you and Joe together.”

“I know right?” Dani said joining in despite her confusion. “They’re like a fairytale. So perfect for each other. I think Joe may have found his soul mate.” I covered my ears with my hands trying not to hear their comments. It wasn’t a fairytale. Joe and I had a contract. When our time together ended we would both go our separate ways. I watched as the two of them chattered happily about my future with Joe. In under two months I would lose this. I would lose them.

“STOP! JUST STOP IT!” I screamed at them both. Dani had frozen in front of me. Miley collapsed onto her bed startled. “I can’t do this anymore. If I tell you two something, will you promise not to tell anyone?” Dani and Miley nodded. “You can’t even tell Kevin.”

“There are lots of things I don’t tell Kevin,” Dani said with a shrug. “Besides it’s not like you’re going to tell us your relationship with Joe is some elaborate sham.”

“Actually,” I said amazed at how on the nose Dani’s last comment had been. “Joe and I have a contract.” Miley and Dani laughed as if I had said something funny. “I’m not kidding. Nick signed as a witness.”

“So you and Joe--?” Dani asked. I nodded and looked at my shoes for a solid minute as the room fell silent.

“Tell us the whole story Charlie,” Miley said pulling me into a hug. I finally let it all out. I told them everything. Joe getting me fired. His offer of $15,000 if I played the part of the perfect girlfriend for two months.

“We’re just playing our parts,” I said. “To convince his fans and his family that he isn’t the monster the press has painted him out to be.”

“We never thought he was a monster,” Dani said weakly. I refused to look up afraid that she might be crying. “We just worried about him because we’re his family.”

“I told him that,” I said. “But I think he needs to prove something to everyone. To prove that he’s still the same person you’ve always known.” I breathed a sigh of relief as I spoke my last words. I realized now that the same was true of Della. She had wanted us to see her as we had always seen her, but we were too worried about her actions in the moment to see it.

“Are we the only ones you’ve told about this?” Miley asked.

“You guys and Nick are the only ones who know,” I said. “And you can’t tell Joe that you know. One of the conditions of the contract is that I can’t tell anyone. If I do I forfeit the money, and I have to pay back what Joe already gave me.”

“I promise,” Miley said twisting her pinky finger with mine. She looked over at Dani skeptically. “And you Dani?” Dani smiled and walked overwrapping her hand over our joined fingers.

“Like I said before,” Dani said sweetly. “There are a lot of things I don’t tell Kevin.” I smiled as we separated and collapsed onto Miley’s large bed. We began to debate what movie to watch. We chose to partake of the entire Harry Potter film saga. Once we had made our choice I declared that we needed snacks. Miley told me that there was plenty to snack on in her kitchen.

I made my way to the kitchen and opened up the fridge. I spotted some fruit I could cut up. I also pulled the ingredients for s’mores from her kitchen cupboards. I arranged it all on a large serving tray I found in another cabinet. I turned around to walk back to the bedroom only to run into Dani standing in my way.

“Dani,” I said willing my heart to slow down. “You scared me. Don’t worry, I found some snacks for the movie already.”

“I just wanted to ask you something,” Dani said dismissing the serving tray.

“Ask away.”

“That kiss. Back at the Jonas’ house.” I knew what kiss she was talking about. I could still feel the sensations that Joe had evoked inside me while we were in his old room. “If your relationship with Joe is an act, then why did he kiss you where no one could see you?”

“That’s uh—he kissed me because—“ I stuttered beginning to panic. Joe and I had never talked about the kiss. Maybe because both of us were unable to answer the question Dani had just asked me. “We heard someone coming so we kissed. It was just to keep up appearances.” Dani studied my twitching left eye with a doubtful expression. I brushed past her still carrying the tray to Miley’s bedroom. Dani followed and lounged on the bed. She and Miley dug into the snacks, but I was no longer hungry. Why after telling them the truth about everything else did I lie once again?

[AN: I am kind of thrilled that I am on the Fan Fiction hot list on Wattpad! I still don’t quite understand Wattpad, but it’s still really cool to me! Every single time I receive a comment, view, or vote it makes me smile. Thank you everyone!]

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