Chapter 6

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I stared in the mirror at the now third outfit I have tried on. The last two outfits had been jeans and cute tops. Joe had said it was a casual family get together. But then I have thought that maybe I ought to wear a dress if I was meeting his family for the first time. I eyed the dress covered in dark blue flowers paired with a set of black leggings. I had my denim flats on my feet unsure if the look was now too formal.

“My family isn’t going to care what you wear,” Joe said making me jump. I looked over at him standing in the doorway. “Can we go now? I don’t want to be late.”

“Uh…sure,” I said grabbing my purse and planting a kiss on the top of Moe’s head. “Are you sure this outfit is okay?”

“It’s gorgeous,” Joe said sincerely forcing me to pause in front of him in the doorway. In that moment I so desperately wanted him to kiss me. “You look perfect.” I sighed as he moved away. I followed him out to the car and smiled when he held the door open for me. We rode along in silence for several minutes.

“Do you really want to lie to your family?” I asked. “I know that Nick knows the truth, but the rest of them—are you really prepared to lie to them?”

“You signed the contract,” Joe said stoically.

“Your family just worries about you because they care. You could just talk to them—“

“You just don’t get it,” Joe said looking out the windshield. “It’s like they don’t think I’m smart enough to make my own decisions. I’m an adult. I should be able to do what I want.”

“I grew up on a farm,” I said. Joe looked over at me in confusion, but I held up a hand telling him to let me keep talking. I would get to my point soon enough. “My family is filled with blue collar workers. They all live paycheck to paycheck. My brother got married and had babies and works on the farm. It’s expected that I will one day get married and have babies just like my sister in law. It just didn’t seem fair.”

“How so?”

“My mother filled me with a love of books and writing. [AN: My mommy sure did. She worked at the library!] I kept so many journals as a kid. I wrote story after story, but it still didn’t matter. I’m only supposed to get married and have babies. I told my parents that I wanted to be a writer. That I was going to LA to find myself. To become a writer.”

“What did your parents say?”

“They tried to talk me out of it. I was still so determined to go. And here I am six months later with no sign of success. I know they only worry because they care, but it hurts that they don’t believe I can do it.”

“I guess we have more in common than I thought,” Joe said. “I just wish my family would trust in the choices that I make.”

“You have been making a lot of choices that have also turned off pretty much all of your fan base.”

“And how would you know that? You didn’t even know who I was a few days ago.”

“I did some research,” I said with a huff. “I figured it was necessary for this gig.” I heard Joe chuckle, but he didn’t say anything else. We lapsed into a comfortable silence until we reached the house. I looked up at what my family would term a McMansion. “This is where your folks live? It’s enormous!”

“Just come on,” Joe said grabbing my hand and entering the house. I found it odd that Joe’s parent’s didn’t lock their front door, but they did live in what appeared to be a much nicer neighborhood than mine. Joe rushed my through the foyer and into a gigantic living room where his entire family sat chatting. “We’re here! Everyone this is Charlie!” They all looked at me with weird expressions.

“Why are they looking at me like that?” I whispered loudly into Joe’s ear.

“You’re a little different from the girls I usually bring home,” Joe whispered back.

“Who do you usually bring?” I hissed. “Hookers?”

“That one last month was pretty close,” Nick said with a smile as he stood up to hug me. It felt good to see someone familiar. Joe quickly pulled me from Nick’s embrace.

“Get your own girlfriend Nick,” Joe said darkly. Was he jealous?

“I’m just saying hello to a friend,” Nick said calmly.

“Why don’t you just snuggle up to Miley,” Joe said alerting me to her presence. Miley waved as she watched us standing together.

“Are you and Miley dating again?” I asked excite for Nick. He had told me that he still had feelings for her.

“No,” Nick said with a blush. “Mom suggested I bring her since she hadn’t been here in a while.” Joe was interrupted by his mother who demanded introductions. Joe named everyone in the room. Even Frankie, his youngest brother, proceeded to hit on me none too gracefully.

“What do you do for a living Charlie?” his father asked.

“I’m trying to become a published writer,” I said nervously. “Is there anything I could do to help out with the meal?” Joe’s mother and sister in law Danielle looked at me in shock again. “Did I say something wrong?”

“Oh no honey,” Danielle said with a smile. “You’re just the first girl to ask to help out. Finally Joe finds a normal one!” I laughed but I could feel Joe shooting a glare at her. I reached out and gripped his hand giving it a little squeeze to calm him down.

“How about you help frost the cupcakes for dessert?” his mother asked.

“I love baking,” I said. “Just show me the way!” I started to follow Danielle and Mrs. Jonas into the kitchen, but was pulled back by Joe’s grasp on my hand. “Don’t worry,” I said walking back to him. “I’ll be right back.” Then on impulse I reached up and kissed him on the cheek. Joe dropped my hand in shock and I ran. My fingers were covered in frosting when I heard my cell phone ringing out in the living room. Without thinking I called out to Joe. “Joe, can you pick that up? It’s in my purse.”


I was still shocked by the kiss when Charlie called out for me to answer her cell phone. I dug into her purse and pulled out the slim phone.

“Hello?” I asked hearing only heavy breathing. “Hello? This is Charlie’s phone. Who is this?”

“This is Nate!” an angry voice growled. “Now tell me who the hell are you, and why are you answering my baby sister’s phone?!?”


[AN: Longer chapter. I keep feeling like people don’t like this story as much. Are there any parts that you guys do like?]

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