Chapter 21

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“I’m so happy that you got your book published!” Nick said as he stretched out further on the grass. “I would be even happier if you were a little jollier though.

“Shut up,” I said. “We can’t all be deliriously happy and in love like you.” Nick chuckled from his spot next to me. When I had arrived Nick had been the only one at my family’s old farmhouse. Apparently the entire family had gone out for a trail ride, including Miley. Nick had begged off claiming that it just wasn’t his thing. He and I left a note for my family and headed out to the pasture to chat. “How is Miley by the way?"

“She’s happy. I think,” Nick mumbled.

“Is something up?” I asked sitting up. Nick sat up as well.

“She just seems like she’s hiding something,” Nick said nervously. “I trust her; I really do. But I can’t help feeling something isn’t right. Maybe you could talk to her?”

“I’m done trying to fix people Nick. It never works. You just end up disappointed in the end.” My mind flashed back to Joe, and I choked back a sob. “You’re probably just worrying for nothing.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

“Nnnniiiiiiiicccccckkkkkk!!!!” a familiar female voice called out as she ran closer to us. I smiled as Miley ran up and threw herself into Nick’s arms. They began to kiss as if I wasn’t right next to them. I cleared my throat, but they didn’t separate.

“I’m pretty sure she’s not hiding anything,” I said under my breath.

“What?” Miley asked finally splitting apart from Nick. Oh sure, that she heard?

“Nothing,” I said as Nick glared at me. “Did you have a good trail ride?”

“Yes, but it would have been better if Nick had been there,” Miley pouted. Nick pulled her close effectively pulling Miley into his lap. They looked so cute together.

“I’m just not into trail rides,” Nick said.

“What he means is he’s afraid of horses,” Miley whispered loudly as Nick blushed.

“Miles, please stop talking,” Nick pleaded.

“You really shouldn’t be nervous Nick,” Miley prattled on. “They’re very gentle animals.”

“For the love of God please stop talking,” Nick groaned. I fell back onto the ground with laughter. “Why does my girlfriend have to know absolutely everything about me?” He pressed his forehead against Miley’s shoulder in defeat. I sat up again.

“I think it’s cute,” I said with a soft smile. “You two are perfect for each other. There are no secrets or mysteries to your relationship. You accept each other for who you are.” Miley’s face blanched and she looked away. Maybe Nick was right about something being up with Miley.

“Now that you have your book published—“ Nick said moving on.

“Your book was published?!?” Miley interrupted. “That’s great Charlie!” I accepted her congratulatory hug.

“As I was saying,” Nick said smiling at Miley. “Now that your book is published you and Joe can tear up that stupid contract and live your lives together.” I frowned as he exchanged anticipatory smiles with Miley. I hadn’t been here long enough to tell anyone what had happened with Joe.

“Joe and I—“ I broke off. “Joe and I aren’t together anymore. It just didn’t work out.”

“What really happened?” Nick asked staring at me with eyes that reminded me so much of Joe. I finally cracked and related everything that had happened. The breakfast I shared with Joe. The article. Dani’s confession. Joe’s accusation. My book deal. And my decision to move on from Joe.

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