Chapter 16

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“And he’s a spokesman for diabetes research,” Nate said. “That’s the kind of guy you should be dating.” I began to bang my head against the wall in front of me. “Charlotte, are you even listening to me?”

“Don’t call me Charlotte!” I screeched in frustration. “Can’t you just shut up? I’m dating Joe; not Nick.”

“I’m just trying to point out the good qualities you’re missing by passing up on Nick.” I rolled my eyes before resuming my pacing of the green room. We had arrived early to the concert venue at Joe’s request. He wanted me to get the full experience of attending the rock concert. I would have been enjoying myself if my stupid brother hadn’t insisted on coming as well. Nate had spent every moment of our time together pointing out all of Nick’s wonderful qualities while we waited for Joe. Nate, as always, had researched Nick’s entire background and was reciting it word for word to me. I don’t think that even Nick knew this much about himself.

“Joe has good qualities,” I said with a pout.

“Did I tell you that he snuck out late last night?” Nate said with a triumphant gleam to his eyes. “Who knows what he could have been doing.” I felt the heat rush to my cheeks as I thought about last night. Joe had snuck out of my bed early that morning in order to keep my brother from finding out. It looks like that didn’t work.

“He wasn’t doing anything wrong,” I protested.

“He could have been out scoring drugs.” Or sleeping with your baby sister. My face grew hotter. “Unless you know something I don’t know.” Crap. I never could lie to Nate. I turned towards the door in a panic.

“Hey babe,” Joe said stepping into the room. I breathed a sigh of relief and thanked God for the distraction. Kevin, Dani, and Nick came in behind Joe. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too,” I said walking over and hugging him. Joe gently kissed the top of my head. I couldn’t believe that after only one month I felt so comfortable with Joe. [AN: That means there is only one month left in their deal. I haven’t been keeping a real concrete measure of time so I’ll just try to mention it casually…and then apparently comment on it for way too long.] “My brother won’t stop telling me how wonderful Nick is,” I whispered for his ears only.

“Nick’s not that great,” Joe whispered back making me chuckle. I pulled out of his arms and smiled up at him. We must have been staring at each other for quite a long time because my brother finally spoke up.

“If you keep attaching yourself to Joe like that Nick’s going to get the wrong idea,” Nate said.

“And what wrong idea would that be?” I asked turning to face my brother.

“He’s going to think you’re in love with Joe,” Nate said as if the idea of me and Joe repulsed him.

“I don’t care if he thinks that because I am in love with Joe,” I blurted out. The room fell silent as my words sank in. I heard Joe choke in surprise behind me. Why did I just say that out loud? Sure, we had been intimate together, but love?

“Why would I care about Charlie’s feelings for Joe?” Nick asked moving the conversation away from my outburst. I mouthed a “thank you to him which he returned with a wink.

“Because if my sister is going to date a Jonas then I want her to date you,” Nate said. Joe’s hand curled around my middle. I shivered as his hand brushed against the patch of skin that was exposed between my jeans and tank top. “Where did you get that outfit Charlotte? Should you really be dressing like that in public?”  I looked down at my outfit. I was wearing a simple scoop neck lace tank top with jeans.

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