Chapter 11

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I frowned at the cozy couple as they sat on the couch. Nick had yelled at me to take it inside before my neighbors heard my yelling. Miley had followed us murmuring something about being knowledgeable when it came to handling the press. So far she had stood in the corner watching them as well. Nick sat on the couch with his arm around Charlie’s waist as she watched me warily.

“It’s okay,” Nick said softly to Charlie. “We all have moments when we react to the press. It’s not like you said anything bad.”

“That’s not the point!” I yelled as Charlie shrank back again. I softened my voice as I realized how much my anger was scaring her. “We had a deal, Charlie. You can’t talk to the press. Do you even understand why my family is coming here to talk to you now?”

“Because I should have kept my mouth shut,” Charlie said softly studying her feet. “I’m sorry Joe.”

“Why?” my father’s voice boomed out. “You have nothing to be sorry for Charlie.”

“What?” Charlie and I said in unison as the rest of my family joined us. There was my mom and dad who had brought Frankie with them. Even Kevin and Dani had come.

“Your little outburst to the press is actually helping Joe’s reputation,” Kevin said. He pulled out his phone and scrolled through it before handing it over to me. It was one of the articles about her outburst. Charlie ran to my side and leaned in to read along with me. “Charlie is the good influence your fans have been waiting for. The press is keeping an eye out to see if you’ve changed. Everyone is rooting for Joe again.”

“All because I got mad at some reporter?” Charlie asked with a smile. I chuckled a little at her obvious relief. She looked up at me unsure just yet if she should be relieved. “But I promised Joe I wouldn’t talk to them.” I wanted to tell her that it was okay. That I wasn’t going to hold her to that part of the contract. That my anger stemmed more from her closeness with Nick than anything else.

“Joe was just protecting you,” Danielle said with a smile. “The paparazzi can be horrible sometimes. They like to twist your words around.”

“This time they quoted you remarkably accurately,” Miley said having taken the phone from me to read the article. “How on Earth did you manage that one?” Charlie laughed along with Miley. They had become close in such a short time.

“What we need to do now,” my mother said interrupting the moment, “is talk about this relationship. I know you brought her to dinner, but how serious are you two about one another? Because if it’s serious then we should publicize this. Send you out to more events.” Charlie looked over at me waiting to hear my answer.

“We’re dating,” I said watching her. “It’s serious.”

“Great!” dad said clapping his hands together. “The public likes her and so do we, so we’ll start publicizing the relationship to the fullest. Charlie, where are you living? We’ll have to set up some extra security for you since you’re dating Joe now.”

“Joe didn’t tell you?” Charlie asked looking nervously at my parents.

“It’s not any of their business,” I snapped. My parents looked between us.

“I’ve been staying here with Joe,” Charlie stuttered. “My old place was a little…unstable.” My parents sighed before plopping down onto the large sofa with the rest of my family. In that moment both Winston and Moe came out from the hallway. Winston took his usual spot in front of my living room fireplace. Moe walked up to where Charlie and I stood standing at the front of my feet. “This is my cat Moe,” she said pointing to the black and white furball standing in front of me. I bent down holding out my hand only to have him swipe at me with his claws out. I stood back up nursing my now injured palm. “He’s not a big fan of Joe’s”

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