The Fling

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"Just come by my office...the sooner the better." She smiled as she handed him the business card, "thanks for meeting with me.."

"Yes. Of course." Adam replied as he took the card from her out stretched hand.

He rose from the chair he was sitting in as the woman left the office, he quickly closed the door behind her and sat right back down.

"Whaddya think it's about?" Kevin leaned against the counter, "he's been downstairs a while now.." he checked his watch, "over an hour. Do you think you should check on him?"

Kim cut her eyes at him, "Adam's a big boy, Kevin. I'm sure if he needs me..he will come get me. Sometimes you're worse than an old wash woman." She went about fixing her cup of coffee, "Any plans for the" she knocked on the wooden cabinet in hopes of not jinxing their upcoming weekend, "long weekend?"

He grimaced, "Probably not, though I was gonna see what Adam was up too..I just got that new surround sound system and I need help getting it set up."

Kim put the creamer back in the fridge, "I'm sure he would love to help...will get him out of shopping for new furniture." She threw the empty sugar packets into the trash can. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got paperwork to file."

Out of everyone in the unit, Kim was the most diligent when it came to reports she was so on top of it, it was almost nauseating. It didn't help matters that Voight went on and on endlessly about the quality of her reports and how quickly she filed them

"Of course you do.." Kevin snickered, "have you always been the teacher's pet?" He braced himself for the punch she threw at him, "I'm kidding, know that."

"I do." She smiled, "and it's Ruzek, now." She winked at him on her way out.

When she first arrived in the unit, it was rough and she thought about asking for a transfer numerous times. Now, it was a completely different story. They had gone back to the things had been before she blew it all apart.

"A-fucking-men" Kevin raised his hands as if he was praising god.

Trudy rapped her knuckles lightly before pulling it open, "You okay? Cause it looks like you're about to vomit.." she had watched the conversation through the window, "and if you better not be in this office Ruzek."

Adam shook his head, "Yea...yea." He was still staring at the card in his hand.

"It looked serious...your conversation. Who was she?"

Adam finally looked up, "I need to talk to Kim."

"Damn it, Ruzek..don't you hurt her.." Trudy growled at him.

Adam didn't know what to say, he was still trying to wrap his hand around all of didn't make sense. So he walked out of the room without uttering another word.

Leaving a worried Platt in his absence.

They'd been balls to the wall for hours now, what had once been calm was now complete chaos, leaving little time for Adam to talk with Kim.

Voight had made it pretty clear that neither couple would be partnered up together, and that was fine. He had made it easier when he put Jay with Kim, and Erin with Adam. Both men felt confident that the other would have their significant other's back.

As they drove back to the district he couldn't take it any longer, he needed to talk about it. He needed advice on how to broach the subject with Kim. It wasn't his finest hour and he knew he had hurt Kim immensely during that time. Something he'd regret until the day he died.

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