You Saved Me - Niall Horan Fan Fic

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                                Sienna's POV

"Sienna!" I heard my mom yell for the one billionth time this morning.

"I AM UP BE QUIET MOTHER!" I yelled. My clock only said 7:45, and I only live 5 minutes from school. And school starts at 8. Now I understand why she was calling me. "Don't chops to me, Mrs!" she shouted. Haha, she called me Mrs.  But I'm not married. 

"I'll be down in 5!" I yelled. Once I was in the shower,  I washed myself until I smelt just like a raspberry.  I washed my hair, which is blue at the moment. I'm thinking of changing it though. I got out of the shower and put on a pair of black skinny jeans and a white crop top paired with my favourite white converse, which are currently downstairs.

I ran down and shobed a piece of toast with Nutella spread in top. Pulling on my converse, I glanced at the clock. 7:54. I say my goodbyes to my mom, calling my big sister, Mia.

"Mia!" I yell, no answer.

"She left babe, so should you!" My mother called, and with that,  I left. The last day, I bet you love it, right? Well I hate it. Absolutely hate it. Its more time for the stupid bullies to freaking beat me up, call me names and stuff.

"Look, ugly turmed up." I heard someone say. Melanie. Melanie is like the head of the gang thingy. Theres 4 of them. And their jock boyfriends.

So theres Mel, Gina, Lara and Tina. The worst for name calling is Lara, so I'm pretty surpurised that she let Melanie call me something. "Ugly? All you've got?" I asked, laughing while walking to my locker.

"Listen, we have catching up to do. And if you carry on, you'll get it harder than you usually do. So, meet us in the ally by.. Nandos. Dont tell anyone." Melanie smirked.

She thinks she can hurt me with words? Yeah, she may get me down, but, with words like 'ugly', they dont hurt me. I'm called it on a daily basis.

She could never hurt me like that. The day dragged on, teachers talking about staying safe, telling us what colleges are good. Stuff we heard before. I felt eyes burning on the back of my head, then "Slut!" someone whispered and then sniggering. The bell rung signalling the end of the day, time for my beating. One of the worst ones I could get...


I left you on a cliffy in the first chapter!first chapter is kinda crappy. they will get better. just wanted you to know that sienna doesn't meet the guys till the 5th or 6th chapter!


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