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"Si! Wait I need to speak to you!" My friend, Keisha, yelled. Keisha is like, my best friend, in fact, one of my only friends. "Oh, hey Keish. You alright?" I asked. The girl literally ran to me, even though I was only three lockers away. "So, I've been invited to this huge party! And I was wondering if you want to come?" She asked, screaming every word. "Kei, hush. Who's party, when, and where?" I try to calm. but it doesn't work, she just won't be quiet.

"That guy um, what's his name.. Johnny! His party! Tonight at his house. Come?"

"Erm, well, I don't know.."

"What other plans will you have on a Friday night?"

"Haha, how nice of you. Anyways, I can't. I'm sorry Keish, text me later yeah? Bye." I say, hoping the bell signalling if you don't get out of school now your gonna be locked in will go off any time now so I don't have to go by Nandos. But, I have 10 minutes. Maybe I'll just go a different way.. No, that will never work. They'd follow me. May aswell get it over with...

-ally behind Nandos-

I try to walk fast and unnoticed, but failed miserably. "Look what the tide brought in. The slave." Melanie tried to insult. Tried. Slave? I'm no slave. I can't believe she called me that. "Slave to what? Sleep? Thats true. She always looks like she has just crawled out of bed." Lara said.

"They weren't even insults...!" I giggle. They could do better. And they did do better. Mel came and kicked me. Then someone punched me. Then other things happened that I don't want to know or think about. But my eye hurts and I have a bleeding nose. A seriously bleeding nose. After what felt like days, a voice said, "We're bored now. You can go. Bye."

-at home.-

"Mom? Help me.." I screech. I'm currently doubled over in pain, bloody nose, black eyes, and a limp.

"Honey! What happened, who did this??" My mother said, shocked.

"No one.." I mumble. I really don't want her to know about Melanie and her friends, she'd go insane. "Sienna Jane Roberts, who did this?" Oh no, she used my full name. "Nobody mom, I fell.." I absolutely hate lying, but I don't want her to know. She wouldn't understand what its like to be me. She's always fit in. Me? I'm just the girl with one friend and is a science nerd and has never had one boyfriend and I'm almost 18. Surely I should've had one? "Go and lay down hon, I'll see you later" Mom soothed. She's probably thinking 'why does she do this?'. Why? Because I'm sick of being me. That's why. I go upstairs to my room, and lay on my queen sized bed, which is huge. My blade is staring at me, just saying I'll make it better, easier. Yes, okay, I cut. But only when I can't cope. I haven't cut in 5 weeks, and now the urge is back...

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