13 'Why The Frack Am I In Hospital?'

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Hi! So I've decided, I will update every Wednesday.

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If not, honestly, I will delete it. 

What do you think will happen to Sienna?

Thanks for all my reads, its amazing to know that alot of you are reading!

I hope you like this chapter, but warning; its short.

Really short. Whoops.

Anyway, Enjoy!





Anything! Byee!xx


'And then it went black.'



"Sienna.." A voice moaned through the alley.

"Who.. who's there?" I choke out, scared. I was out with Mia and Mum, but I got left, and now I have no clue where I am.

"You don't know?" The high pitched voice asked.

"No! Who is this and what do you want!?" I scream, tears rolling down my face.

"I'm your worst nightmare!" The voice was suddenly deep, and a face was in front of me. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, and I then collapse. The voice laughed, and my eyes felt heavy,  and I drift off to what I hope was a sleep.

*Real Life*

I woke in a small white room, with wires attached to my arms. There were beeps. I try to flip in my side, but had a pain, instead. Wait a second.This isn't Niall's hotel room. Where the hell am I!?

White room. Beeps. Wires attached to my arms. I'm in a hospital!

Turning my head, I can see Louis and Niall, waiting patiently for me to wake up. "Morning! Louis, she's awake!" Niall says. He walks up to me, and gives me a hug, careful of wherever my injury is.

"Niall. Why the frack am I in hospital?" I ask seriously.

"Well, you were stabbed." He tells me.

"What?" I choke, tears in my eyes. I was stabbed? When? Where?

"Let the doctor explain." He tells me, gesturing to the doctor at the end of the bed.

"Good morning, Miss Roberts."

"What happened?"

"Well, like Mr Horan said; you were stabbed. Where? In your stomach. Luckily, your friends found you, and brought you here. Although its not extremely serious, I have to keep you under observation. I advise you to keep someone here with you; it gets very lonely on this ward." So thats why I'm here.

"Okay. I understand.  Thanks." I say, closing my eyes, trying not to cry. Why me? Everything happens to me, I hate it. I've been called an attention seeker before, what if Mel and her witches find out? My life will be hell! My family, pfft. Stuff them. They made it clear that they didn't want me.

I've lost everyone, other than the idiots I live with. But just because their idiots, doesn't mean I don't love them. I let sleep overtake me again, and hope all my pain is gone later.

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