Chapter 3

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*Dusty's POV*

I opened my front door to the sound of screaming. I apologetically glanced at the boys before leading them inside where Holly and Kellin were yelling at each other, Holly sitting on Kellin.

"Holly, get the hell off!"

"Not until you give me a piggyback ride, Kellin!"

I ripped Holly off of Kellin before hissing: "Be decent, we have guests!" Kellin immediately stood up, waving awkwardly. Aniston chose that time to waltz in, dressed in her penguin onesie. I explained that we had taken a month long trip to Japan last year and had all gotten onesies. Mine was a skeleton, Winston's was a polar bear, Kellin's was a cat and Holly's was a shark. We always yelled 'Landshark' at her when she had it on.

I lined my friends up and introduced them to the boys. "Holly, Aniston, Kellin and Winston, meet Gerard, Frank, Mikey, Ray and Bob." Immediately, Holly jumped onto Frank's back and yelled: "Onward, tattooed steed!" Frank laughed and rolled his eyes, running around.

We all seemed to split up into groups of two. I found myself with Gerard, sitting on the couch while the rest of our groups did separate things. Aniston and Mikey were talking, each smiling shyly and laughing. Ray and Winston were tuning Winston's new guitar. Kellin and Bob were talking about drumming tactics. And Holly and Frank were still running around yelling about tattoos and ponies. It made me happy to see Kellin talking to Bob happily.

I smiled at Gerard. "Hi Gerard. I guess we haven't formally met. I'm Dusty." Gerard smiled shyly. "You can call me Gee or Gerard. Whichever you prefer." I laughed. "Alright, Gee." I said happily, trying it out. It sounded nice on my tongue.

Gerard ducked as Holly threw a pop-tart over his head, God knows why. I laughed and took his hand. "Want to find a quieter place to talk?" Gerard turned bright red and nodded. I laughed and lead him down the hallways to the bedrooms. I sat down in my beanbag chair and said happily: "Alrighty. What do you want to talk about?" Gee said immediately: "Is your name really Dusty?" I shook my head. "My real name's Dustin. Why? Do you not like it?" The thought immediately put a frown on my face, thinking that maybe he would make fun of my name. Gerard shook his head and smiled: "No, your name is beautiful." He blushed profusely. I smiled. "Thanks, Gee."

*Gerard's POV*

God, I'm embarrassing myself. I don't know what to say. She's really pretty and I've never been good around girls. Most of them spat at me and called me an emo faggot.

But when she smiled at me, I knew I had finally said the right thing, for once in my life. She had on a black Fall Out Boy t-shirt, ripped black skinny jeans, black Converse highbrow that matched my white ones and lots of bracelets that covered her arms. She was a few inches shorter than me. She smiled and asked quietly: "Do I make you uncomfortable, Gee?"

I quickly shook my head. "N-no, it's just that..." I paused, trying to find the right words. "I've never been good at talking to people." Dusty smiled and hugged me. I was surprised and I felt my face flush red, but I hugged her back. She whispered in my ear: "Me either."

She sat back down and said quietly: "I think you're the only person I've been able to fully talk to for a while. You seem to get it. Besides Kellin. He gets it, too." She took off some of the bracelets so I could see her arms and wrists. She had horrible scars on them, indicating that she hadn't had a good past. I could see the pain in her eyes. I gently took her wrists and rubbed it with my thumbs, rhythmically in circles. "Why?" I asked softly. She burst out with the entire story.

*Dusty's POV*

I told Gerard everything. I don't know why, but I did. I know it seemed cliche and stupid that I blurted something like this out to someone I just met. I didn't want him to get the wrong impression of me. But from what I could tell, he had been through something hard as well. I had a very strong urge to tell him.

How my dad was an alcoholic and my mom died when I was young. My dad used to come home drunk every night and beat me. He didn't care that I cut. I have horrible anxiety now. He would beat me until I bled, from the time that I was nine, when my mom died, until I was eighteen, when I moved out.

How I faked a smile for almost everyone, but how now, I was so much better. Not cutting, my depression is almost gone, but I still have the horrible anxiety that I developed when I was ten. Gerard didn't interrupt me once.

When I finished, he hugged me as silent tears dripped down my face. I sniffed and he rubbed my back as I cried what I had been meaning to get out everyday. For. Eight. Years. He understood though. I finally wiped my eyes and Gerard looked at me. "If you ever need help, you can always call me." He gave me his number before we went back into the living room.

I didn't realize how late it was. Ray and Bob had crashed on the floor, Mikey on the couch with Aniston's head on his shoulder and Frank and Holly on the other side of the couch, Frank snoring softly and Holly cuddled up to him. Kellin and Winston were most likely asleep in their rooms. I turned to Gerard. "Do you want to crash here as well?" I laughed quietly. He nodded, grinning. "Sure, why not?" I led him to my room, where my bunk bed was. I usually shared with Holly, but she was sleeping on the couch. I told Gerard goodnight and climbed into bed after going to the bathroom to change into my skeleton onesie. Gerard said he had one just like it.

/ Ah, such lovely couples/ships. I'm watching The Matrix, watching Neyo shoot police men and such. You know the drill. Lol. XXX~ Mikey\

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