Chapter 18

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*Dusty's POV*

I woke up next to Gerard on the couch. I looked around in confusion. I could have sworn we were in my room. I yawned and walked lazily over to my room and looked inside. Kellin and Holly had thrown themselves lazily into my bed and fallen asleep, Winston and Ray were on the floor and Bob somehow had ended up on my windowsill. I giggled quietly and waltzed back into the living room, careful not to wake Gerard. I remembered hearing Mikey, Aniston, Frank and Ember get back late last night. Damn, they were loud. But no one seemed to be up yet. Gerard still snored softly on the couch. His phone started ringing. I debated for a second on whether or not to pick it up and decided to answer it. It seemed important. I picked up. "H-hello?" A man on the other end said brightly: "Is this Gerard Way?" I smiled, noticing the man didn't seem mean. "Close. I'm his girlfriend, Dusty. I'd be glad to take a message though and tell him when he wakes up." The man cheekily chuckled. "Alright! My name's Brian and I'm from from Reprise Records, where Gerard and the rest of his band auditioned for a record label a few weeks ago. Can you ask him to give me a call later?" I almost leapt up and down in happiness. "Of course! I'll have him call you as soon as he gets up!" Brian replied: "Thanks! Bye now!" I said bye and hung up, setting Gerard's phone down exactly where he left it. Brian had seemed to be bringing cheerful news. Maybe My Chemical Romance was going to be signed to a record deal! That would be amazing! I did a little spaztastic dance and started making coffee. The smell of it would probably wake him up in a matter of minutes. Sure enough, he stirred once the smell of coffee wafted through the air. He sat up and yawned. I grinned at him and handed him a cup of coffee. "A guy named Brian told me to tell you to call him." Gerard immediately perked up. "Really?" I nodded excitedly. "Yeah! You didn't tell me you guys were going for a record deal!" Gerard grinned sheepishly. "Well, I didn't think we would get it. So I thought when I was certain..." He trailed off. I hugged him tightly. "That's awesome. You guys are too good not to get one." It was true. I had sat and listened to them practice several times before. They were really great. Gerard took a sip of his coffee and giggled. "You put something extra in the coffee." I giggled back. "Of course I did. Sugar is always wonderful when something exciting is going on!" Gerard smiled. At that moment, Frank walked in, scratching his head and yawning. Ember followed him happily. Gerard rushed up to Frank. "Frankie, Frankie, Frankie, Frankie-" Frank put his hand over Gerard's mouth. "Yes, Gerard?" He then took his hand away as Gerard exclaimed: "Brian called me back!" Frank's eyes widened: "Really?!" Gerard nodded excitedly. He and Frank jumped around like they were on a sugar rush. Ember whispered to me: "Who's Brian?" I smiled. "A guy from Reprise Records." Ember clapped her hands together happily. "Really?!" I laughed, seeing how she and Frank reacted exactly the same. "Yep." Ember run up to Frank and jumped on him. "Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshfrankiethatsamazing!!!!" Frank giggled and spun her around. Gerard smiled at me and at that moment, his phone started ringing. He answered it immediately and spoke for a little while. When he got off the phone, he hugged me tightly and said loudly: "We got signed! But..." I frowned. "But?" Gerard sighed. "They want us to do a huge tour. Which means we're leaving."

/Gasp!!! Sorry about ending so terribly there >~


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