Chapter 4

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*Dusty's POV*

I woke up at about nine thirty the next morning. I was careful not to wake up Gee, who was still sound asleep in the bottom bunk. He looked adorable when he slept, a slight smile on his face. He was still in his clothes from yesterday.

I smiled at him before getting dressed into my favorite All Time Low t-shirt and some black skinny jeans. I entered the living room, seeing almost everyone was still asleep. Frank and Holly were still in the same position that I saw them in last night, with Frank's arm slung lazily across Holly's shoulder. They were pretty cute together.

I saw Kellin was making coffee, like every morning. He gets up earlier than any of us. He's like that. He wiggled his eyebrows at me: "So, Gerard stayed in your room?" He asked suggestively. I rolled my eyes. "Yes, he did. No, nothing happened. We didn't even stay in the same bed. I have bunk beds, remember???" I made a 'duh' face.

Kellin rolled his eyes as well. "Yeah, right. I can tell he wanted to, though." He grinned teasingly. I felt my face heat up. "No, he doesn't, Kellin. We're just friends." Kellin rolled his eyes. "He'd like to be moooorrrreeee!!" He said in a sing-songy voice. I scoffed at him. "I would expect this crap from Holly, but I expected more from you, Kellin." I shook my head in mock disapproval. "Don't you dare say any of this to Gerard. It's humiliating enough to me. Don't make our new friend uncomfortable."

Kellin laughed. "I won't. I'm not that mean. Even though it's true." I rolled my eyes. "Think what you like." At that moment, Frank woke up and sat up, waking up Holly in the process. He yawned and got up.

Holly followed him, getting some coffee. Frank sat back down after getting his coffee and greeting us for the morning. Holly kissed his cheek before drinking some of her coffee. Frank blushed very red before muttering something. I skipped into the living room. "Awwww, does wittle Fwankie have a crush????" Frank rolled his eyes, pouting like a five year old. "No!" Holly laughed. "He totally does." Frank rolled his eyes.

I crept into my own room and sat down on the bed next to Gerard. He stirred a bit, opening his hazel eyes. I smiled at him. "Good morning sleepyhead." Gerard laughed lightly. "Good morning. What time is it?" I looked at the clock on my dresser. "Ten o'clock." Gerard groaned, getting up. He stretched and looked at me. "What are you looking at?" He cocked his head curiously, like a puppy. I hadn't realize I was staring. "Oh, nothing. Sorry." Gerard laughed as we left the bedroom.

/Sorry, kind of a filler chapter, but hey, adorableness c: XXX~ Mikey\

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