The Boy Next Door (My Chemical Romance fanfiction)

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/This is my first MCR Fanfiction...I couldn't shake the feeling that I should do one xD So here it is. XXX~ Mikey\

*Dusty's POV*

I was sitting in the front yard with my four best friends/ roommates, Winston, Aniston, Kellin and Holly. I was twenty two years old, Holly and Kellin were twenty and Winston was twenty three. Aniston was the youngest, being only sixteen.

Winston was twirling a piece of grass around his finger while Aniston and Holly played with Kellin's hair. I was humming the words to my favorite song, Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes. We had a fairly nice house, big and fairly the moment. I looked up finally and stopped studying my shoes long enough to see a boy checking the mail across the street.

He was handsome, longish black hair and hazel eyes. He met my gaze before hurriedly going back inside his house. I cocked my head to the side, confused by the boy's odd behavior. I had never seen him before. I wondered if he was new in the neighborhood. I shrugged and started playing with Kellin's hair along with Aniston and Holly.

Kellin seemed to be getting tired of it, occasionally sighing in boredom. I looked down at my fingers. I had several rubber bands on my fingers, just because I was scatterbrained. Me more so than the others.

Kellin finally got up, waving our hands away from his hair. "Why are we sitting out here again?" He inquired hotly. I thought a moment before responding, clearly confused: "I idea." Winston and Kellin both sighed while Holly and I burst out laughing.

We all headed inside, out of the sun's horrible light. On the way in, I examined myself in the mirror thoughtfully. Long black hair with purple underneath and a flash of purple in my bangs. I stared into my own gray eyes, staring back at me. I was about 5'5. Not short, but not tall either. My friends describe me as scatterbrained, ADD, ADHD and weird. I guess they're right. But they don't mean it in a mean way, so it doesn't bother me. Another word used to describe me often is "emo."

At least, the kids at school think so. Oh well. Not much I can do. Winston was looking through the mail. "Bills, junk, crap...hey, this isn't ours!" I peeked over his shoulder at the letter, addressed to the person who lived across the street. I realized it was the guy I had seen earlier's house.

Kellin groaned. "Who has to take it over?" I quickly jumped up and said heroically: "I volunteer as tribute!" Winston shrugged and handed the mail to me. "Knock yourself out." I pretended to hit myself in the head. Winston rolled his eyes. "Not literally." I stuck my tongue out at him and skipped out the door, eager to meet our mysterious neighbor.

/So....what do you guys think of it so far? I honestly think it started out pretty good. I'll try to update often. I'm sitting here listening to Disenchanted and trying not to cry now...XXX~ Mikey\

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