Chapter 11

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*Ember's POV*

It was my turn to pick out the movie tonight. Beforehand, we had gotten Chinese food and hot chocolate. Kellin still hadn't emerged from his hell hole of a room. I've been a bit concerned about him. He hasn't been his usual self. But after a few looks at our selection of movies, I picked my favorite. Children Of The Corn, based off the book by Stephen King. Mikey and Aniston groaned at my selection. They weren't huge scary movie watchers. But Dusty, Winston, Gerard, Frank, Bob, Ray and Holly all clapped happily. I popped in the movie, not bothering to see if Kellin wanted to watch. He hates this movie. However that's even possible. I sat down on the couch next to Frank. Holly went to pop some popcorn. I had to admit, I liked Frank. Big time. Maybe even as much as Dusty liked Gerard. I could see that she loved him a lot. The movie started in it's usual happy state, the children killing the adults three years ago and such. So happy. The lights go turned off on Holly's way back with the popcorn. She plopped down at Frank and I's feet, happily munching quietly on the popcorn. I guess she didn't plan on sharing. I stuck my feet in her face: "Hey bitch, did you make us any?" She shook her head and pushed my foot out of her face. "Nope!" She said happily, popping the p. I huffed angrily and crossed my arms. Frank laughed quietly and put his arms around me. He leaned back against the couch and I let him pull me back as well. Dusty was curled up against Gerard, who had his arm around her. They were so adorable, it was almost sickening. I loved Dusty with all of my heart, but, man, can she be mushy sometimes! I'm happy that she found someone she cares for, though. I personally thought it would be Kellin, but Gerard is cool, too.

*Dusty's POV*

I was getting tired. I had woken up earlier than usual this morning, so I snuggled up against Gee and he put his arm around me. After a few hours, I heard the movie end, but I was already asleep. Gerard picked me up and carried me off to my room, setting me down gently. He tucked me in and I felt him crawl in beside me. He kissed my forehead and sighed. "I love you." He whispered. I had to hold in my gasp. What?

*Gerard's POV*

"I love you." The words left my mouth easily. I could never say it to her when she was awake. But it was true. I loved her. I realized that today as she was curled up next to me, fast asleep. Everything about her is wonderful. I put my arms around her and closed my eyes, already dreaming about if I was strong enough to tell her.

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