Chapter 6- part 1

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This is my last update in the year 2016... 

I really wanted to update something before the year finally ends. But I couldn't complete the chapter so I decided to post chapter six in two parts. I will probably try to post the next part on January 2nd, my birthday :D 



After knowing the intentions of Karan, I was afraid to see him. Even though, I had told Arnav that it was impossible to avoid him but in my heart, I wish I could do that. Arnav is right, I am still a child. I cannot believe that I am a writer and that of Romance genre!

Ayesha Dixit, you need to grow up!

Well, after deeply thinking, I think I do not need to grow up when I have such a cute and protective 'almost fiance'. Thinking about him always makes me smile and not to mention makes my heart flutter.

Last night, my parents forced Arnav to eat dinner with us as it was dinner time. It was quite good to see him becoming a part of my family. He and Kratik Jiju were the sons that my parents never had. It's not that they ever regretted for not having a son.

Back to present, my nightmare was right in front of me. He was talking with Mrs. Seth.

"Hello, Mrs. Seth" I greeted her with a smile. I looked at Karan and he was avoiding looking at me.

"Hey Karan" I should at least obey the common curtsy. I guess he was not too happy to see me as yesterday. He just nodded his head without even looking at me.

"Mrs. Seth, can I have the schedule for today?" I asked her.

"Sure sweety" She typed something on the computer and soon the printer started printing. After it was printed, she handed me the sheet.

"Thank you" I smiled. In between those short moments, Karan had disappeared to god knows where.

I started walking toward Dr. Mehra's cabin. I needed to report to him everyday in the morning and at the end of the day also.

I knocked on his door and entered the cabin. I saw Karan was already there.

"Miss Dixit, come in, come in!" Dr.Mehra was enthusiastic.

"Good morning sir." I smiled at him.

"A very good morning, indeed. I love this time of year to see new faces." He patted Karan's back. Karan had that expression on his face that a person had when suffering from constipation.

"We are also happy to be guided by you, sir" I complimented him. I was not buttering but telling truth. Who knows, we could have ended up with a very strict teacher!

"You two are going to be partners today." Dr. Mehra dropped a nuclear bomb. Thank you god for not granting my wish!

I could see the same expression on Karan's face that I had. He clearly wanted to stay away for me. So, the magnet turned into an iron at last!

"Today, you will be practicing suturing and I want it to be almost perfect. You have to be a pro at suturing before you can enter an operating room, understood?"

"Yes sir!" Karan and I both said at the same time.

"Now, follow me." We followed Dr. Mehra and reached in front of room number hundred eighteen.

He opened the door and we saw a table in the center with a body lying on it. The body was covered with a white sheet. The scene had become a normal one for us, medical students.

We went near the body and the smell was overpowering. Throughout our medical school, we were forced to adjust to this smell. Without enduring the smell, we could never have the real experience.

Many students in my class had fainted when we were introduced to a cadaver for the first time. We were told that even though this was a cadaver, it was a person before so we need to respect him or her. We should be thankful to this person for donating his body for the noble cause.

"Remember doctors, always work with respect." Dr.Mehra reminded us the same thing.

We both nodded our head. Dr. Mehra made an incision on the cadaver and showed us how to do a suturing properly as an example. He told us he was going to observe both of us for the first try.

Thank god for Dr. Mehra that I could avoid focusing on Karan for some time.


Thank you everyone for being a part of my life and supporting my stories in the previous years. I hope you will do the same in 2017 and coming years too. Thank you for all the love <3 

2016 was a mixture of sweet and sour grapes. Lost many things but at the same time gained a lot. But I am still thankful for the year.

I hope 2017 will be a great and amazing year for all. Love you all. 

Thanks again!

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