Chapter 6-Part II

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Today, on my birthday, I would like to dedicate this chapter to my parents. Everyone is wishing me for the special day but in truth, it is a special day for my parents. They have done so much for me, their love and support is the my strength. I am nothing without them. Thank you Mamma and Papa for bringing me to this world, to cherish me as the most precious thing in the world. I am sorry for all the pain I have made you suffer through and I promise to be a better person. Love you with my soul and everything <3 

Here is PART II


Suturing was okay. Dr. Mehra told us that we were near to perfect. The awkward thing was when Dr. Mehra left both of us alone for an hour or two.

When I was practicing suturing, Karan was supposed to assist me but he acted like I had some untouchable disease. It was getting on my nerves. I know love at first sight was possible but acting like this was just not okay! I decided I would confront him in the lunch break. I also reminded myself that I need to be careful of his feelings.

So when it was Lunch break for interns, I went to the canteen and saw him sitting at corner with a plate on the table. I couldn't find Priyanka and I was somehow thankful for that.I bought my food, mustered up courage and walked to his table.

I stood in front of his table. He sensed my presence, looked up once but then focused back on his plate.

"Can I sit here?" I asked. His response was a 'no reply'.

I had enough! I placed my plate on the table and pulled out the chair to sit. As soon as I sat, he stood up.

"Sit!" I commanded. I know it was not good but much needed.

"Wha-what?" He was surprised.

"I said sit down. We need to talk."

He was a little confused.

"If you don't want a drama right now then you better sit down." Well, that pretty much convinced.

"What do you want to talk about?" He asked without even looking at my eyes.

"You should know about that perfectly." I replied.

"Can you please address it directly? I don't have much time." His tone was rude.

"Why have you been acting so weirdly? We are working at the same place as a same team and if you keep acting like I have some untouchable disease, it's going to affect both of our works also."

"I am not!" He defied but he knew he was lying cause he still could not look at my eyes.

"Yes, you are and you perfectly know that. I wouldn't force you to tell me the reason of your sudden change of behavior but I want us to be at a level of good term when it comes to work. We are training to be doctors. If you keep on this then you may lead to loss of a life." There must be complete devotion when it comes to work.

He took exactly two minutes to think. I could count each second because the silence was too eerie and what would be his response was scary.

"Okay" He sighed.

"Okay?" I raised my eyebrow. That's it? So much for my speech!

"I promise to behave good while working." He had some kind of determination on his face.

"Thanks." I wasn't hungry anymore so I thought to pack it up and take it with me so that I could eat whenever I am hungry.

I stood up and picked up my plate. I turned to go when his question stopped him.

"Do you really love him?" His tone had a strange tone in it like he was wishing it was not true.

I turned back and looked at him. I nodded my head "I do" That was enough for him. I didn't need to add salt to his wound by explaining anything more.

"How- How long have you been together?" His tone now had sadness.

"It's complicated but I more than 8 years." No need to give exact time limit.

"Oh!" His tone reminded me of a person that finally came to a realisation. Maybe, he finally accepted the fact that it was impossible for him and I to fall in love with each other.

"I should get back. Thanks and bye." I was eager to leave the place. I knew I wouldn't be able to console him. It was something that he needed to do himself. If I stay here then it would only embarrass him more.

He just nodded to me. I went to the canteen lady and asked them to pack my food in paper packages. I left the canteen without even looking back to him. I felt as if some kind of closure took place.

I was just hoping that he would keep his promise and I also needed to make sure that I do not make my 'almost fiance' jealous. God, be with me!


How was the chapter? Did you like the way Aesha confronted Karan? Or you expected some more instances of love triangle in future?

Thank you for reading! Hope 2017 is treating you well :) Happy new year once again!

Also, thank you to all my Wattpad friends for wishing me and making my day special :)

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