2016 - The Day I First Met Her (part 2)

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Ten's POV:

The video of the reactions started playing, beginning with Bora noona, which was really funny, then followed by mine. For mine, I was super embarrassed after watching it because I screamed like a girl and it made me seem like a coward, so I couldn't help but cover my face while laughing embarrassingly. At the same moment, I turned slightly to look at Momo and when I saw her laughing happily, although I was embarrassed of my reaction but I felt happy to be able to make her laugh like that, so I smiled to myself and turned my focus back to the video playing on the screen. Then, it was Momo's turn. At first when she first saw the ghost pop up on the screen, she didn't scream but she shook her little fists in the air and gave a very shocked expression. She looked like a very cute hamster somehow, especially when she drew her hands close to her face and opened her eyes wide. I couldn't help but smile and because I was scared of being too obvious, I used my hands to cover my big smile on my face but too late, I saw the camera focus on me already so I just carried on smiling. Then, when the ghost came out and stood beside her, she screamed like the people who appear in horror movies and it was so funny I kept laughing. I finally couldn't control myself and turned to look at her to see how she felt seeing her embarrassing scream on the screen and she was smiling with embarrassment too. Soon, Shownu's reaction was being played, and he was extremely calm and not scared at all, and especially when I saw Momo being impressed by his coolness and laughed at how cute he was when he just carried on talking after seeing the ghost, I got pretty mad at Shownu to be honest, and I became much more silent than before.

Finally, it was the time of live recording. Audience members started filing in and occupying the seats that we occupied previously and my heart beat even faster as I became more nervous since I was the first to perform. After the introductions from the MCs were done, I went backstage to get dressed and steady myself for the performance. Just before I went up on stage though, Momo passed by me about to go to her dressing room to prepare for her performance as she's 3rd. She knew I was nervous so she whispered to me a 'hwaiting!' And flashed me that pure smile of hers, trying to encourage me. Well it definitely worked and I felt so much more confident all of a sudden, so I went onto the stage and showcased all of what I've got. After my performance I got a total score of 154, which was really very high so I felt extremely belated. Returning back to my seat, I thought about how I'll cheer on her later on before she performs.

Finally, it was Momo's turn. She came out from backstage and was about to go on stage when I called her name softly, and flashed her my most encouraging smile and gave her two thumbs up. She smiled and nodded back at me nervously, and I could tell that she was really scared and not confident, so I felt worried for her. But when the performance started, I realized that I didn't need to worry about her at all, because she did very well and danced every move on beat and executed her moves very well. When her stage ended, I was asked out onto the stage to see whether her score was greater than mine, but unfortunately it wasn't, and so when she returned to her seat which is beside mine, I reached out for a high five and told her," You did GREAT it's ok if you got only 144 votes, because we all know you deserve much more ok?" "Yeah thank you so much oppa, I feel much better now." Momo replied, but I could tell that her smile was still trying to cover up her disappointment. I felt really bad for her because she really did very well but the audience just didn't give her a very fair score that's why it wasn't fair for her, so I kept turning to check on her every few moments to make sure that she's alright.

After the whole recording was over, everyone was tired and was rushing to go home, so imagine how hard it was to try to get near Momo and ask for her number, especially since all the TWICE members were there and immediately swarmed up to her to cheer her up since she got the lowest score out of all 8 of us for this round. Finally, one of the twice members noticed me hovering around them and asked me if I wanted to talk to Momo. I said yes with relief, glad that I finally had the chance to talk to her alone. So after leading her to a private corner, I finally gathered up the courage to ask for her number. At first she was surprised but then she immediately typed in her number into my phone. Internally I was screaming like a banshee but on the outside I remained cool and bid her goodbye after a while more of friendly talk.

After reaching my dorm, the other NCT members rushed up to me and asked me how was today. Because I was excited to wash up and then text Momo since I didn't want to text her too late as she might have rested and won't reply me, so I just told them that it was ok and that I didn't win but I still did well, then, I went into the shower and back to my room. Luckily for me, the other members didn't keep asking me and they just went to watch tv so I was alone in my room. So, I whipped out my phone and started typing," Hi momoring! It's me Ten oppa, I was just wondering if you're free to talk now?" And then I clicked send. Moments later, my phone ringed and I immediately picked it up and saw that she had replied me! Her reply was," Yes Ten oppa I'm free now! I just finished showering so I'm resting and free now." Reading this, I smiled because I was picturing a completely bare-faced Momo with wet and messy hair and in cute fluffy pajamas lying in her bed cuddling her blanket while holding her phone and texting me. And so I continued texting her and we soon got to become closer and were much more comfortable with talking with each other. That was when we first became friends, a memorable day that I will never forget.

Over the next few days, we continued chatting on our phones and soon, we became less awkward with each other, so when the next recording for the second round of Hit The Stage started, we talked more and I was happy to see that she was comfortable with showing to me her true self---dorky, charismatic and cute. However, she told me that day that after the second round of Hit The Stage, she was not going to be perform anymore because her schedule conflicts with the recording days of this program and she also doesn't have enough time to practice. When I heard that, I was sad because this means i won't get to see her until there's another big event for us to go to. But I still acted cheerful and told her to contact me through texting online and she cheerfully nodded back at me before going off. I stared at her disappearing back and wondered how on earth did I suddenly become so obsessed with her......

Hi guys, I'm sorry that this chapter is much shorter, but I promise to speed up things by next chapter as the main focus is in 2020! Thank you for reading and please comment because I love comments:)

Together [NCT Ten x TWICE Momo #Tenmo, BTS Jimin x TWICE Momo #Jimo]Where stories live. Discover now