First Official Date (Part 1)

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After 2 years (Momo's dating ban is finally over)......

Momo's POV

It's been 2 years since Jimin confessed to me. And finally, today's the day that my dating ban is finally over. Jimin of course being the caring and considerate guy he is, immediately texted me a week before to ask me out on a date today. And of course, I said yes. Up till now I still feel amazed that two years ago this amazing guy actually told me that out of all the pretty girls in this world he actually chose me, and that I'm even more honoured that he actually kept his promise and waited for me for two whole years so that we can officially be boyfriend and girlfriend without worrying about being caught and punished by my agency. So of course, I liked him very much. No wait, I meant LOVE him very much ❤️. So it was with a very happy heart that I quickly dressed up nicely, kept glancing in the mirror to make sure that I look pretty, before going downstairs of our TWICE dorm to meet him as he told me he's coming over to pick me up. Just before I left, I received a text message. I thought it would be Jimin telling me that he has already reached, but turns out it was Tennie! He texted me," Hey momoring, wanna go out today?" Oh no, but I've already promised Jimin one week ago, so I sadly texted him back," I'm so so sorry but someone else asked me out today one week ago already, so it wouldn't be nice to reject him. So sorry! I'll go out with you on another day heehee 😁." And with that, I finally left the dorm.

Ten's POV

Omg it's finally the day that Momo's dating ban is lifted! I should ask her out but as a friend first right so that I won't freak her out hehe. Okay, I shall text her now then, since I'm free today anyways. Hopefully she's free!

After about 30 seconds, I got a reply," I'm so so sorry but someone else asked me out today one week ago already, so it wouldn't be nice to reject him. So sorry! I'll go out with you on another day heehee 😁." Wait what? Reject 'him'? She's going out with a guy today? Someone else who is a guy asked her out a week ago already? Coincidentally on this day? And she agreed? This isn't normal. Is Momo secretly together with someone already but been hiding it this whole time, and finally today they can go out together officially without being scared of getting caught by paparazzi? Oh no, this is bad news to me, I need to find out as soon as possible what's going on. So I immediately texted her back. "Oh I see, it's okay then. Btw just curious, who are you going out with? Since u said it's a 'him' so I'm even more curious now. You'll tell me truthfully right since we are best best friends🙃🙃🙃," I texted her back. "Haiz yes ofc I'll tell you tennie, it's Jiminie oppa. I'll tell you a secret okay, don't tell anyone else! I want you to know first before you hear it from others, so...... Jimin and I are dating officially starting from today!! He asked me out 2 years ago but since I still had a dating ban he promised to wait for me and so yeah! Now we are officially a couple. Are you happy for me Tennie??"

When I saw her reply text, I felt my heart break into a million pieces. I was frozen, too shocked to reply anything, too disappointed to wish her all the best and be happy for her. I thought that she was happy whenever she was with me. I thought that she might have liked me abit because we always connected and we were so compatible with each other. And sometimes, just sometimes, when I looked at her straight in the eye and gazed at her adoringly for a very long time, she would blush and become shy after noticing it. I thought that all these small actions showed that she felt something for me too. All the nights when we video called each other and joked and laughed and just talked about random stuff. All the days when I practiced so hard because the thought of being able to talk to her after my practice kept me motivated to work hard. All the times when I got scolded by my trainers or when I was sad and stressed, she would always be there to comfort me and tell me it's okay, that she'll always stay with me. And only now, I realised what I fool I am, that she just treated me as a very, very, very good friend, but that was all. It was always me who got overexcited at the small caring gestures that she did for me. But this is not over. I will win her back.

Together [NCT Ten x TWICE Momo #Tenmo, BTS Jimin x TWICE Momo #Jimo]Where stories live. Discover now