Another Date?

624 29 17

Ten's POV

It has been 2 months since I last talked to Momo properly. That's because recently I was injured and then I had to be picked for my military conscription but then since I was injured, they exempted me from the drawing this year. I was kinda happy, because then at least I had more time to see Momo in the meanwhile. I also got to visit my family whom I've dearly missed during my trip back to Thailand, and that's why most of the time I was too busy to contact Momo and go out with her etc.

However, during my visit to Thailand, I was finally able to meet my family and of course my dear sister. Let me just give a brief introduction about her. She's my younger sister whom although I consistently tease and make fun of her, but deep down in my heart I really love and care for her. I also trust her with my secrets and when we both have issues, we would have heart to heart talks and that's how we become even closer every time.

Thus, of course I told her about Momo when I saw her. I told her everything about how we first met, when I started liking her, how we are actually very close friends, and lastly, how she already has a boyfriend now. When I got to the last part, I kept blaming myself for being a coward and not confessing earlier because I was afraid that in case she rejected me, we won't even be able to talk normally like best friends anymore, and I really didn't want that to happen. But now that I think about it, it was stupid of me to have hesitated.

When my sister heard me tell her all of this, she smiled sadly at me, understanding how I must have felt. We always have this special connection that we just somehow are able to feel the other person's emotions easily and that's how we grew comfortable to entrust each other with secrets too, because the thought of there will always be a 'you' who can understand me to talk to.

She thought quietly for awhile while I looked at her expectantly, waiting for a reply that might solve my problem and help me win Momo back without being a bad guy and deliberately breaking them up because trust me, no matter how much I love her, I won't do such a despicable thing, especially when she's happy with him, I don't want to see her sad if they break up. Then, my sister cleared her throat and looked at me and said," Oppa, I think you shouldn't do anything and just see how their relationship goes. If the two of you are meant to be, then you will eventually be together. But I'm not telling you to give up, I'm telling you to know when to step in, and when to not. I don't want you to be someone who will be remembered as a third wheeler breaking up a relationship causing everyone to be unhappy, and I'm sure you cannot tolerate that idea too. So, oppa, just still talk to her and go out with her, but if she still doesn't chooses you, then... just wish her happiness since you say you really do care for her right? Yeah it sounds cheesy but you know it in your heart that all these that I'm saying is true."

Hearing that, I sighed. Of course I knew. I knew all along that there was nothing I could do if I didn't want to stoop to such a low level and deliberately break them up. But hearing it coming out from my sister's mouth reassured me that I'm not a bad person, and I did feel much more comforted.

Finally, I'm now currently back in South Korea again. Back at this practice room in SM, and back to meeting all my problems that I can never run away from. One of them is definitely my frustration on what to do with my feelings for Momo. I ultimately decided that I'm going to ask her out on a friendly date and just see how it goes. I picked up my phone and started texting her.

"Momo yah, are you free tomorrow! Let's go out! You promised me remember? *inserts pouty face emoji*" I sent the message out.

Few minutes later, I got a reply.
"Yup im free tomorrow and of course let's go! I did promise you last time and even if I didn't, I would still go out with you as long as you asked hehe. After all you're my best friend (other than TWICE members)," she replied in the text message.

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