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The car door closed behind me and I groaned inwardly. I pulled my backpack onto my shoulders, playing with the straps absentmindedly, and hefted my suitcase onto the sidewalk. I let my hair fall into my face as I looked down at the snow on my shoes and started walking. The driver waved and I gave a slight wave back. After 8 hours in that car it sure felt good to stretch my legs! The shadows of a fence fell on me, draping me in zigzags and making me look even darker. A couple of people passed by, a lady talking on the phone, a toddler running forward and falling in the snow, a teenage boy with his arm draped around a girl. The boy looked back at me for a second and I froze in my tracks. His sea green eyes pierced mine and he blew his black hair out of his eyes before turning away. My head had ducked down and I started playing with the zipper on my jacket. I had recognized that boy- Percy? But- thank gods- I don't think he recognized me. I looked back up and continued trekking through the snow.

After a long, tiring walk, I finally made it to my new school- the Athena Boarding School for Demigods, or Athena's for short- and it was everything I had expected. I stopped to look up at the stained glass windows that portrayed images of the gods- or just the big three. Zeus, Poseidon, Hades. I drew a breath and went inside. There were students everywhere. I managed to slip through unnoticed when the principal walked through. Or more like trotted. The man was a centaur. I couldn't hide the look of surprise on my face, so I slipped back to blend in to the shadows. He was arguing with a student about a class.

"Now Will, I know but you're a straight A student!"

"Chiron I need to take it! Anyone who wants to be a doctor needs health class!"

"Alright, fine, we'll fit it in somewhere. There's just no arguing with you, boy." The centaur smiled and ruffled the boy's hair affectionately.

"Thanks Chiron." The boy, Will, smiled to himself and walked away, his hands loose in his pockets. He was humming as he passed. I looked at him. He had a mess of golden curls on his head, and his light blue eyes were staring contently ahead of him. He wore a simple orange t shirt and khaki shorts. I could tell just by looking at him that he was an optimistic guy. The light glow he shed gave him away. As I turned around I felt a slight tug in my chest. I looked back at Will for a moment but then shrugged and went up to the principal.

"Umm.. Excuse me?" I asked.

"Hello." The centaur looked down at me. "You must be our new student. I haven't seen you around before."

I nodded. "I'm Nico."

"Welcome, Nico. I'm Chiron." He smiled warmly at me and patted my shoulder. "Come with me, let's get you all settled down." he lead me through a series of hallways and up some stairs. I pulled my suitcase up behind me. "Now, do you know who your godly parent is?" I thought back to this morning, when I woke up with a skeleton cat pacing around the foot of my bed.

"Umm. Yes. Hades?"

Chiron stopped. "Hades? Well, my boy, you must be very powerful indeed. I wonder how you made it this long..." he muttered to himself for a minute and then continued to walk me to my room. It was a lonely looking place. Very empty. I looked back up at Chiron.

"I'll leave you to it, son. Don't forget, your classes start tomorrow morning." He smiled and handed me a schedule before he left. I took another look at my new room. There was a dresser in one corner, a bed on the other side and a side table next to it. A desk and chair were positioned against the wall, and a bookshelf, too. The whole place was tan, a color I couldn't stand. I groaned and flopped down on the bed. Then I sat back up and began unpacking. I shoved my clothes into the dresser, then put a sketchpad and some pencils on the side table. I filled the bookshelf with spray paint cans and the few pictures I had of me and my older sister, Bianca. I stared at them for a while, lost in memories. Bianca smiling. Bianca laughing. Bianca scolding me. Bianca hugging me goodbye... the news of her death... I let a silent tear slip down my cheek before wiping it away and turning around. The bell rang. I straightened my jacket and prepared myself for the most dreaded time of day: Lunch.



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