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I leaped off the Pegasus right before it landed and raced to Main, almost crying tears of joy that both of us were home safe at last. That, and the fact that I had won. Nico slammed his hand against the wall of Main right after me, laughing hard and panting with effort.
"Gods, Will, you're fast! Don't take it to heart, though. We both know I'll beat you next time." I laughed.
"Whatever floats your boat, Sunshine."
Percy ran up to us and gave up both a tight squeeze. Then he smirked at me.
"You guys were gone forever! Nico, thank gods you're safe. Just in time, too." Then he turned and left.
"In time for what...?" Nico looked at me, confused. Oh gods... the dance!!! I totally forgot!!! Oh no. I groaned. I still had to ask.
"Nothing, Neeks. He was just teasing."

It had been two days since we had returned, and the Christmas dance was tomorrow. I gulped. Everything was set up, and I knew what I was going to do. I saw Nico walking from Main to the cafeteria, so I picked up my books and started swiftly walking, head down, acting as if I was in a hurry. I smashed straight into Nico, dropping my books.
"Oh, shoot! Sorry Nico!!"
He shrugged and brushed himself off.
"S'okay." I collected my books, leaving one face down in the snow by his feet, and ran past him, muttering about how I was late.
"Will! Hey!" I heard him call, but I pretended not to and left as fast as I could.


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