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I sat down in our place in the library, knowing that any minute now Will would come bursting in.  I was wrong.  It took him ages.  Then, at last, a knock on the door. It slid open.
"Yes, Nico. Yesyesyesyesyes." He whisper squealed, wrapping his arms around me and holding me tight, like a baby.  I pushed up next to my boyfriend, smiling.  We fell asleep like that.  I woke and shivered.  Colored light danced through the window, but I was cold nonetheless.  My Will was gone. 
"Will?" I called softly.  A curly blonde head poked around the door and a tanned boy with shimmering blue eyes and freckles walked in, a tray in his hand.  My Will. 
"Morning, my beautiful ray of darkness."  He teased me and pecked me on the lips, than placed the tray on my lap.  "Breakfast in bed for my wonderful boyfriend." He smiled to himself and I could tell he was enjoying being able to call me that.
"Ahh shut up, sunshine."  I pulled him next to me and we sat and ate quietly, my head on his shoulder.  I was tired, but awake enough to eat what was on my plate.  Will took the tray after we finished and we left the room and headed to the dorms. 
"My room first, nobody's in there." I directed him.  He nodded.  We got to the room and he stood behind me as I pulled out a new outfit.  Crash!!! I heard a sudden loud smash then a yelp, then a flutter and bang! And the wall in front of me had a sign on it:
NiCo turN aRouND
I whipped back around and blacked out.

I woke to a glass room.  Windows lined the walls and I could see Will next to me.  I reached out to him and smashed my hand against the wall.  "Will!!"  I called. He didn't even look at me.  I saw someone go into the room.  It was that dam fury!  I was so done with that thing by now.  She clawed his face and he spat, angry.  I watched, tears rolling down my face as she hurt him, whipped him, kicked him in the guts till he curled into a ball.  "Will!" I cried, my voice cracking with sobs.  My knuckles bled from banging on the wall and I was crying freely.  I wished he could hear me. 
"What. Did you do. With Nico?" He growled, getting to his feet.  The fury roared and told him that they were torturing me in a different way.  She was right.  I hated seeing her hurt Will.  He had gashes on his arms and legs and large bruises on his face and middle.  He lashed out at her and she caught his wrist, twisting it till I heard a sickening crack and a cry of pain.  I let out a wail, a shrill high, horrifying sound that could probably kill in seconds.  A skeleton clawed its way out from the ground.  I growled, hurting for Will and willing it to keep him safe until I could get myself out.  The fury smashed him to pieces and tried again to get sone kind of information out of Will.  I heard him cry,
"I don't know!!" Before she swooped down and pushed him to the floor.  She circled him, hissed, and the floor changed,  it shoes a picture of me, my hand in chains, cuts circling my arms and neck,  my eyes were open yet unblinking, and I had a chilling feeling that I was dead. Will saw the vision and broke down in sobs, falling  to his knees.


The fury circled him again and I rammed myself into the wall harder.  It cracked slightly.  

"Will!!" I shrieked.  I smashed my shoulder into the wall and it almost gave way.  Will was letting himself be nearly killed by the monster.  He sobbed as she slashed his middle, and I smashed through the wall, tears streaming down my face and my entire side cut and bleeding from the glass wall, scratches rising all the way up my face. "Will!" I ran to him and grabbed his shoulder, holding him.  "Will."

"N-Ni-ico?" He shuddered.  

"Yes, yes, sunshine I'm ok. I'm ok."  I whispered, then turned to face the fury.  

"Where is it?" her scratchy voice hurt my ears.

"Where is what?!"

"The Roman school, you idiot!"

"There is no Roman school!" 

She lunged, but I was faster.  I dove to the ground and slashed through her with a shard of glass from the wall.  She disintegrated into a golden mist that scattered away.  I ran to Will and guided him with me to the shadow in the corner of the room.  Holding him bridal style with his arm draped around my shoulder, we dissolved into the darkness.



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