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I don't know why it had to be me.

I swung from the pole, the cold chains pressing against my arms. I was in a cave, a dark, cold cave, with an exit on the other side. It lead to a staircase, which, hopefully, opened up to outside. Gods! I was tired, yet every time my head ducked down the flying thing- I think it was a fury- swooped at me, screeching. "Leave me alone! I am a son of Hades, you can't attack me!" I cried at it. It didn't recognise me. I concentrated hard to pull up some skeletons but nothing came. I was drained from all the straining. I sighed and flopped down in defeat. It screeched again. This time, I made out some blurred words.

"Tell me....Roman..."


"I dont know any Romans! Or anything! Let me go!" I cried, my voice hoarse. I reached for my sword, but the dam thing was too far away. Then I heard a THUMP. And something fell down the stairs. 'What in Hades...' I thought.

"Nico...?" A voice called softly. It was a soothing voice, with a slight southern tang. I'd recognise it anywhere. A person stepped carefully into the cave, an unmistakable bright mess of curly hair on his head. I smirked, despite my situation.

"Hiya, Freckles."

Will looked around, his eyes found mine, and he gasped, then breathed quickly. His brow furrowed, he rushed over and his hands furiously began working on the chains.

"Don't you 'Freckles' me, young man. You scared me to Hades and back! What happened?! Don't answer that. Explain later, let's just get you home. Jeez, Nico!" He muttered. He let go, then his hands reached up to his neck. Minutes later, he was chipping away at the chains with a red hot hammer.

"What t-"

"Later, Nico! Let's go!" He rushed me away from the pole, but the fury was on top of us in seconds. Will slid his dagger out, and charged the monster. It swooped at him and drove him into the wall of the cave, but Will was quick and he slit the fury's stomach open before cutting through its head. We ran outside, and I was surprised to see an open area that lead to a large... wheat field? That was new. We walked a while, then I turned to see Will struggling to keep his eyes open.

"Come on, Will. You have to rest, too. Let's stop." I tentatively put my hand on his shoulder. He smiled and nodded.


We waded through the field some more and finally sat down in it.

"Let's talk." Will looked at me, plucking some wheat from around him and chewing it from the side of his mouth, southern style.

"Okay," I shrugged. I told him what happened, how I had been sitting in my room and this random blast of dark air grabbed me, but not before I could hurriedly write my message on the wall. It had taken me to the cave, knocked me out, and the next thing I knew I was wrapped in chains. I told him how every so often the fury would batter me up to get me to talk, which explained the gash on my cheek and the bruises on my ribs. I told him about what it had said and how it wouldn't listen to me. By this time, we were lying in the tall wheat, the night sky providing a comforting atmosphere for us. Will was lying on his side, facing me, and I was on my back, staring at the stars. When I had finished, he looked at me, eyes wide.

"Oh my gods, Nico are you ok?" He whispered. He wiped his hand over the cut on my cheek and reached into his pack, pulling out some ambrosia squares.

"I'm fine," I said, but let him give them to me anyway. Now it was his turn to talk. He explained how he traveled miles on Pumpernickel but when he was spooked and flew away, Will had to walk. He told me about his visit from Apollo, how the ring that was enchanted led him here. He told me how he was giving up hope when he fell through a hole into the cave. I listened in awe. This boy was really something. I felt my finger where the ring usually sits, uncomfortable with it not being there.



"Why did you come?" Will rolled his eyes jokingly.

"Becauuseeee, Death Breath. I'm a nice person. And I was worried when I saw the signs. Need I say more?"

"I guess not." I shrugged, hiding my disappointment. Will looked at me seriously and took hold of my hand.

And then in the silence, I felt strange. I saw the deep night sky twinkling with stars, the wind rustling the wheat around us, and Will, this angel who found me when I couldn't find myself. And then my courage clawed its way up to my heart and my pride melted into puddles and I acted on impulse. I sat up, grabbing Will's other hand and pulling him up with me.

"Will, we are shooting stars. Okay?" And then I kissed him. My eyes squeezed shut, I didn't pull away. He was shocked stiff, but soon I felt him warm up. I was nervous so my eyes fluttered open. And when I pulled away,

He was glowing brighter than the sun.

As if on cue, a shooting star burst through the sky, and Will pulled me back into him.

"Make a wish, Sunshine."



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