Happy New Years and which is better?

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Hey everyone! Happy New Years to all of you! I hope that the holidays went well for all of you.

So, I have a question for all of you and I need you all to actually help me out with this one. (I didn't get any suggestions for my one piece high school fanfic and I don't know what to do with it cuz no one voted). This is super serious and I need help to pick out a cover for my new Mystery Skulls Animated story called This Time I'll Make You Disappear! I created two of them and don't know which one to choose.

 This is super serious and I need help to pick out a cover for my new Mystery Skulls Animated story called This Time I'll Make You Disappear! I created two of them and don't know which one to choose

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This is the first cover I created, courtesy of PicMonkey. Although it's a bit plain, I thought it was cool that Lewis' eye sockets had Arthur half-possessed and Vivi's memory being taken in them.

 Although it's a bit plain, I thought it was cool that Lewis' eye sockets had Arthur half-possessed and Vivi's memory being taken in them

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I made this, also courtesy of PicMonkey, second and I kinda had fun with this one. I found a picture of Arthur feeling bad about what he did and I said to myself: I could totally use this, since the story basically revolves around him.

Both of them are really good in my opinion, but this always happens when I make two of something. So I really need you guys to vote on which one you want this time. The sooner you choose the cover, the sooner the story will be out.

So, comment down below. Comment "Lewis" if you like the Lewis cover and "Arthur" if you like the Arthur cover.

Please do this as soon as you can! I know you all are awake, it's New Years! It'll only take a few seconds of your life and it benefits you with a new story sooner.

Thanks you guys in advance, have a wonderful New Years, and I'll see you soon. See ya!

(I will also be posting this in Lunar Cycles and YouTube Stars as well as The Story of Papyton. You don't have to vote twice when you see this in the other books.)

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