Chapter 17: Precious Moments

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About two months later, you and Mettaton threw a baby shower. That's right, you were six months pregnant. You were so excited for the baby shower and the baby coming in about three more months.

Everything was ready. The games, the music, Blooky was DJing for you, and food was cooked by Mettaton and Papyrus, who’d offer to help.

Soon, all of the guests arrived with presents and love and support.

“Thank you all so much for coming,” you announced with a smile on your face. You'd never been happier.

“Yes, we really appreciate it!” Mettaton cheered. “I'm sure our little darling is going to love all of your gifts! Now, it's time to announce the godmothers and godfathers.”

Everyone went quiet.

“Wait!” Papyrus called out. “Why multiple godmothers and godfathers?!”

“We each get to choose one,” you answered.

“So, on my side, the godmother will be…ALPHYS!” Mettaton called out.

“R-r-really?! OMG! It's an, uh, honor!” Alphys cheered happily.

“And on my side, the godmother will be…LUCY!”

“Are you serious!?” Lucy screamed excitedly. “You're the best!”

“Next are the godfathers,” Mettaton said.

“And they're both gonna be monsters,” you giggled.

“Okay, on my side, the godfather is…PAPYRUS!” Mettaton cheered.

Papyrus dropped his jaw. He was speechless for once in his life. Though, he was crying orange tears of joy.

Sans chuckled.

“For my side, I chose SANS to be the godfather!” You announced.

“no way, seriously?” Sans’ smile seemed to widen. “she can call me duncle sans!”

Everyone laughed.

“That concludes the announcement!” Mettaton said. “Now let's party!”

Everybody cheered.


A month later, you and Mettaton were on the couch watching Mettaton’s show and cuddling.

“You know, you really are meant for the stage,” you complimented him as you rubbed your belly.

“Thank you, darling,” Mettaton giggled. “I’ve practically been on the stage all of my life.”

You giggled a bit as well. “Do you think Payton will want to be a star like her daddy?”

“I haven’t really thought about that…maybe, I don’t know. That would be pretty cool,” Mettaton replied.

“Just two more months to go,” you kissed Mettaton’s cheek.


Another month later, you, Mettaton, Blooky, and Frisk went over to Papyrus’ house to visit. Ever since Sans and Toriel got together, the shorter skeleton was staying at Toriel’s place leaving the taller skeleton to become bonely(uh, I mean lonely).

“Thanks for visiting,” Papyrus said gratefully. “It gets rather lonely here by myself.”

“No problem, darling,” Mettaton said.

“Yeah, you need your company too,” you encouraged as you sat on the couch with a sigh.

“I really appreciate this!” Papyrus cheered. “You guys are the best!”

“We think you are too, Papy, dear,” Mettaton smiled.

“So...since I'm a godfather to your little I get to hold her first? I mean, after you and Mettaton hold her of course,” Papyrus said shyly.

“Well, since you asked so nicely, sure,” you agreed.

“REALLY?!” Papyrus squealed excitedly.

“Yeah, as long as you don't drop her,” Mettaton smiled.

“I've never actually held a baby before. Will you help me?” Papyrus asked.

“Sure! I've had to hold Blooky when he was a baby,” Mettaton nodded.

“And I've held Frisk when he was a baby, so we're experts,” you added.

Blooky and Frisk blushed.

“Thanks, guys!” Papyrus beamed.

Blooky stared at Papyrus in awe. He was so cute, but Blooky immediately shook the thought out of his head. He liked Shyren, not Papyrus.

“You okay, Blooky dear?” Mettaton asked.

“Yeah, I'm fine,” he replied.


Another month later, you and Mettaton were headed for the ER. It was time! The moment you've been waiting for!

And the most painful thing you've ever felt: contractions.

“Mettaton, hurry!” you yelled in pain.

“I'm trying, babe! Just stay calm!” Mettaton shouted in panic. “Breathe!”

You took deep breaths as you saw the hospital close by. Almost there.


“Congratulations, Mrs. (L/n),” said the doctor handing you your baby girl.

You smiled and teared up. “Hi, baby,” you looked into her beautiful blue eyes. “You are so precious.”

Mettaton smiled at you as you held Payton. This was certainly a moment you wouldn't forget.

“She's beautiful,” Mettaton cried.

“Hold her,” you offered.

Mettaton reached out and held her carefully. Payton looked up at her daddy and snuggled closer as she smiled.

“Hello, darling,” Mettaton smiled with tears in his eyes. “My darling daughter.”

And you were happy that you could finally start a family with the love of your life.


Welp, there you have it. Your first baby girl! Sorry if it seems suckish, I couldn't really think of anything for this chapter. Anyway, hopefully you enjoyed this chapter, you know what to do if you did, and I'll see you all on Saturday. Bye!

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