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(Y/N) jumped up. Her heart was beating so fast, she thought that it would explode. She was right, dwarve had come to take their home back. It was a foolish idea like she thought. They didn't stand a chance. Smaug was a fire-drake. He could breathe fire! Their small weapons could do nothing against his hard scales. When she shifted into a human form, she was the size of a dwarf. Smaug was enormous compared to her when she did this. The dwarves would be killed.

(Y/N) could not take any more destruction. It was not just Dale and Erebor. Violence has always been in her life. She had witnessed dragons back at the North fighting for territory, mating rights and out of pure spite. Seeing their scales ripped off of their body, their underbelly sliced open by sharp teeth and claws, and being burned by fire has been in her memory ever since she could see.

She peeked around the corner to get a glance at what was happening. She saw a small figure come onto the hoard. He tiptoed, trying to make as little noise as possible. To a dragon, the small sound he made was as equal to fifty drums being played at the same time. (Y/N) was more than sure that Smaug was awake. He was just pretending to be asleep. It happened when (Y/N) left the mountain to find food when she was a drakeling.

The unknown creature pulled a cup from the hoard and many coins fell. Smaug's eye was revealed and the creature hid behind a pile of gold. Smaug's eye opened and he lifted his head. But the creature put on a ring and he suddenly disappeared. After sniffing the air, Smaug spoke.

'Well, thief. I smell you, I feel your air. Where are you? Where are you?'

Coins moved, giving a sign that the creature was running. Her father gave a disturbing grin and walked over the hoard, chasing after the figure. After a while, the coins stopped moving.

'Come now, don't be shy. Step into the light'

(Y/N) stayed behind the corner and listened to her father speak.

'Hmm, there is something about you. Something you carry. Something made of gold, but far more precious'

After a few seconds, the creature appeared again and spoke.

'There you are, thief in the shadows'

'Truly, the tales and songs fall utterly short of your enormity, o Smaug the Stupendous'

(Y/N) softly giggled at the creature's attempts to keep his life.

'Do you think flattery will keep you alive?'

The creature looked absolutely terrified.


He stuttered.

'No indeed'

(Y/N) left and crawled back to her corner. This creature had a unique smell but he still reeked of dwarf. She wondered why he smelled like dwarf. Were there actual dwarves here or did he encounter them before coming to this mountain? (Y/N) just hoped that this creature would get out of here safely and not face her father's fiery wrath. It wouldn't end well if he did.

To Die For (Smaug x Offspring!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now