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The young dragon cub lifted her head and blinked. She had just awoken and her eyes were blurry. After several minutes, she realized that she was not in her nest back in the north. She was in the Lonely Mountain. She snorted in disbelief at the thought of her forgetting everything. After stretching, she used her paws to grab ahold of a podium as she stood and her stomach growled rather loudly.

Smaug was still asleep. Or at least she thought he was. With the thought that Smaug was fast asleep and not aware, she climbed the stairs that led to the front entrance that was broken down by her father the previous day.

When the drakeling made it to the gate, she poked her head out and looked around. Dale was still in ruins and many flora was gone but the sun shown beautifully in the sky. (Y/N) guessed that it had to be early afternoon. The sight of cattle in the distance caught her eye and she became aware of her rumbling tummy. Not being able to help herself, (Y/N) started to climb down the mountain to reach the cattle in hope of getting a meal to eat.

When the baby dragon made it to the cattle, she launched forward and sank her teeth into a small calf which gave off a loud cry. It startled the rest of the herd which ran away soon after. With her stomach satisfied, the cub made her way back to the mountain but stopped. The mountain didn't seem that big at first, but now it looked huge. Knowing that Smaug would be furious if he found out that she left Erebor by herself, she decided to climb up the mountain.

When she made it to the gate, she looked outside one more time, internally gloating that she snuck in and out without her parent knowing before turning around to be met with the sight of Smaug who wore an almost scary glare.

"What did you think you were doing?!"

He roared out.

(Y/N) swallowed and slightly backed away. Smaug launched a claw forward and pinned her down to the floor.

"Do you know what could have happened if you had been seen or fallen?"

"I'm sorry. I was hungry and wanted food"

An irritated groan left Smaug's mouth.

"Don't let it happen again. You will not leave this mountain without the presence of me or until you are able to fly and be big enough to be on your own "

He turned around and walked back to his hoard, leaving (Y/N) alone to think about what just happened.

To Die For (Smaug x Offspring!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now