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(Y/N) shivered at the cool morning air. She quickly dumped the bucket of water over herself before grabbing a towel. Peeking into the hallway, she ran out of the washroom to her room. When she made it back, she powdered herself and put on her dress. Pulling on her knee-high socks and snapping her Mary Janes, she looked over at her roommate.

Aspen still slept soundly while wrapped up in her quilt. (Y/N) frowned and approached her sleeping friend. She yanked the covers off of her and yelled in her ear.


The brunette screamed before falling out of her bed.

"What was that for?"

Aspen stood still for a few seconds before focusing her vision on the dragon girl.

"You slept in and you know how Esther gets"

After 250 years, Esgaroth had really come to life. The dirt ground was replaced with brick, many shops and homes were built, including a schoolhouse, and the population of men had increased a lot. After Irma and Galina's deaths, several people took turns running the orphanage because Galina had no children or other relatives of her own. But now, Esther ran it.

A wicked, vain woman who cared nothing about the children. She seemed to find pleasure in making the children do chores all day long.

After Aspen dressed herself, the duo slowly descended down the staircase and stood behind the other children. Aspen and (Y/N) silently sneered at the blonde woman who was currently giving orders to each child, no matter the age.

'Tessa, you can prepare breakfast and have Diane help you'

Tessa gave her sister a sympathetic look and the two wandered into the kitchen.

'Norm, you and Baron clean the living room and (Y/N) and Aspen...'

(Y/N) looked up at Esther who gave an almost nonexistent smile.

'..go into town to collect food and water. Everyone hurry!'

Every child ran to their work stations and began their daily jobs. (Y/N) sighed and opened the door, allowing Aspen to squeeze out before her. Aspen pulled the wagon behind her as the two girls headed into town. There was a long dirt road that they had to travel on in order to reach town, but they did it nonetheless.

'This is crazy. She treats us like servants but we're not!'

Aspen loudly exhaled. (Y/N) shrugged and looked ahead. She could see buildings in the distance along with the sight of people already awake and ready to start their day.

'What are you going to do about it?'

(Y/N) asked in a monotone. When they made it to town, the headed for the large well where every Esgaroth citizen got their water. (Y/N) attached a bucket to the pulley and lowered it down. When they brought it back up, the bucket was filled with cold, clear water. They did this several times until their wagon was halfway full.

'What do you want to eat and drink?'

Aspen asked her friend.

'Esther seems to take delight in wheat so lets get something different'

'Eggs sound pretty good. Lets get some milk and juice while we're out here'

After their daily "grocery shopping", the two girls returned to the orphanage. After struggling to pull the wagon though the narrow door, the girls were met with Norm who was on his knees, scrubbing the floor. He placed the filthy cloth on the floor and stood up.

'What did you get?'

'Eggs, milk and fruit. I'm sure that Esther will make someone go out to fetch more food for supper'

Aspen sighed.

'Let alone the water. We use water for everything. Bathing, cooking, plumbing and cleaning'

'I sense a storm coming. Maybe we can collect rain water'

'It'll be dirty but we can clean it to appease the "dragon lady".

(Y/N) snickered at Aspen's nickname for Esther. Aspen glanced at (Y/N) with a slight grin.

'It means "overbearing woman"

Norm raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off.


'I can't take much more of this. Have you ever thought about running away?'

(Y/N) whispered.

'Where would I go? I'm here because my father was a drunk. Not to forget that my mother is dead'

(Y/N) frowned.

'I know why you're here, o' daughter of Smaug'

A smug grin worked its way onto Aspen's lips while (Y/N) looked away.

'I have some questions. What was your life like? Was Smaug a good parent and what are you thoughts of being forced to disguise yourself as a human?'

(Y/N) was about to open her mouth to speak when a knock on the door startled them both.

'Time for supper. I hope you like porridge'

Aspen and (Y/N) made gagging motions with their mouths but headed towards the dining room in fear of receiving more spankings.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2017 ⏰

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