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( Lyric Point Of View) Hello,my name is lyric diamond summers.

I was curled on my bed which I had over a year now reading to kill a mockingbird by Harper Lee that's when Mrs.Jones the lady at the front desk came in and said get dress we have a group of boys today to adopt some one is not like you will be adopted she sneered and laugh walking off I held back tears and got ready she is right I am nothing.

I had time to put on some jeans a tank top black and pink converse and put my hair in a ponytail I was ready.

I walk downstairs and gasp shit! It's one direction that's adopting someone its not gonna be me though I held my head down 5 minutes later it seems a shadow walk up in front of me I look up and gasp softly.

Harry styles was in front of me hey am- I know who you are you're Harry styles! I said exciently he laugh he start asking question like what my name was? How old am I? Where is my family? What happened to Me and how long I been here? I answered his question and back up in the corner he gasp you eye's are beautiful he said. What color are they? I ask purple..light purple he goes to touch me but I back up he back up seeing am frightened okay I'll leave he walk off after that.

I snuck up stairs after that I layed on my bed listening to my music I heard the door being beat on I got up sighing I gasp at who was at the door Louis Tomlinson I whimpered it's okay little one he cooed at  me I slowly relax um..what do you want? Pack your stuff you're going home with me we'll us.

A voice behind him said I turn to see zayn  Lord help us all his fine lip oh so kissable and his- lyric? A voice snapped Me out my thoughts

Yes am ready I grab all my stuff and together we all walk to the car and we took off during the ride I notice Harry kept looking at me  weird he only does that when he's - No! No! I scream Louis turn to me are you alright? what's wrong? Am Fine i said everyone relax after that I mouth to Harry what? He said nothing.

A:N  Okay in this story they are young I'll say they ages Louis - 20 Zayn- 19 second oldest Liam- 19 3rd oldest few months younger than zayn Niall - middle member 18  and last Harry - 17 he's older than lyric he turn 18 before she does , And am not sure who oldest who the youngest in here that's how old they are)

Once we got to the house I ran Out the car door going the wrong way they laugh and said wrong way I didn't care I was excited we finally came in the house it was huge! I ran upstairs giggling niall or nailler whatever his name was he was the only one I forgot about and there was someone else to cause I counted 4 people where there 5?.


I love it Neil!😘😍 I said looking around the room the bed was so big even if I lay in it I suffocate threw the sheets I giggled softly at the thought I knew you love it Louis decided to spoil you already came a Irish accent I turn to see Neil why are you all the way over there.. outside the door?

We are not allowed in your room only on your permission we'll come in it's a order! He smile and walk in we where walking around the house him showing me where stuff was soon it was dinner then the rules and bed I knew I was getting a time limit on when I go to bed.

( a/n I have no idea how you say the time thing y'all should now you go to bed early to school?)

Anyways we walk down stairs we I slid down stairs pole Neil was screaming at me to go down be careful but I didn't listen I am a very dangerous child I like danger we sat at the table Neil on my right Harry on my left Louis in front across the table and a black haired one and a brown hair boy I never seen before (A/N if you don't know what am talking about is  zayn and Liam) they look at me confused so niall do you want to start? Louis ask so he's name was niall not Neil wow! I will said zayn everyone turn to him he look uncomfortable I would too all eyes on you hmm okay Leona that is you're name right? So am not the only one who don't know someone name? Actually its lyric.

Lyric my apologies aww he's so cute wait! What? We don't won't much just a few 3 rules.
I laugh so did Liam,Harry and nei- I mean niall.

1, you will let us know before you leave the house rather its friends or in my case dates I blush at his words I glowered at him though he think he is? " for you safety love" Harry replied since you are adopted some people will accept and some will not Like or try to hurt you and we can't let that happen he beamed at me  why where they so nice to me I mean am nothing I should never been born therefore none of this stuff am going threw would never happen.

I snapped out of my thoughts by the brown- haired fella( not Irish or anything am  English  and American)  Lyric are you Alright? You been staring at the wall for 8 minutes Damn! I was staring at the wall that long silly me yeah am fine I heard someone laugh he glared at them.

I look up at him suddenly and said am sorry but who are you again? I mean which one? Everyone laugh he chuckled it's quite alright we get that a lot first off am Liam I repeated his name he smile knowing am getting it he pointed at a blonde and black one as I now know as Neil- I mean nialler or something niall he said niall kiss my hand Louis glared at him next was a black haired raven one zayn he pointed at zayn vas happening? He said I shrugged next was a black haired one Louis Tomlinson he pointed at him also know as you're dad we'll guardian you can say

( A/n am I forgetting someone?)

I smiled at them all I them remember I have to go get my stuff I stood up Louis look puzzled where ya going? He ask the store to get some um.. loaf of bread I replied we have some right here he pulled out a bag full of bread  Damn! I thought so fuckin close) I ran to the door I didn't get far because someone grab me I start panicking this reminds me to much of my dad of what he did to me he held me down beat or sometimes cut me I had to rush to the hospital want to know was sad about  it? He didn't even come anyways I'll tell you another time they put back in my chair louis slid his chair in front of me grab my small hands and said "what's going on?" Um..I look around  I look at the door I could try to run but they'll beat me to it two I could run upstairs but I know Liam would catch me since he's the fastest Louis must of notice because he said don't even try we have you cornered and you won't even make it to the door I look around he was right I was so I took a deep breath and said what I wouldn't never say no anyone except my friend.

I look up at them and said I smoke but I whispered it he couldn't hear he told me to repeat what I said I told him no zayn then yelled tell him! I jump and said I smoke weed okay!! They all look shock I got up now let me go before I go crazy around here I started for the door but Liam and niall grab me from behind I was kicking and screaming let me go!  Finally I couldn't hold anymore I felt nothing and darkness...

Sorry it might be my first chapter but I think it's terrible tell me what you think? Vote

And to let y'all know lyric might remember you and then minute she forgets you she was born with a brain memory loss thing or whatever just to let you know if you get confused

I Got Adopted By Vampires:A One Direction Adoption Story Very Slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now