Chapter 3

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( lyric's point of view) I woke up and sat up " why do I keep having panic attacks?" I just shrugged went to my bathroom took a shower brush my teeth and brush my hair.I then made my way downstairs vas happening everyone! I heart chairs scraping that only means one thing I scared them I laugh silently that's my word someone said I look up to see zayn not anymore I replied.I sat down Liam slide my plate over to me which was half eating I look at niall mostly glared " Care to explain leprechaun? I don't even know why I said leprechaun it's stupid I was hungry! He complain I just grunted and stuck out my tongue I ate what was left of the plate thank you niall ( note sarcasm) once I was finish I stood up someone cleared their throat oh may I be excused? Why you sure can Hon replied Louis I rolled my eyes and ran upstairs to check my email.I just now notice something the boys are starting to get paler for some reason I pack all my stuff up and went to the window threw my bag out the window if they are vampires (which ain't real) i can't be here they gonna find me anyway so I'll put them up for a test 1.( if I 've gone more than two weeks I leave them and never come back) because why? I ain't finda die I want my life 2.(  if they find me before two week they most likely gonna bring me back) and I can't let that happen knowing them they are gonna find me. Anyways I slide my ass down and jump with a loud thud shit I curse they are gonna find me.before I even get there I start running ( not that fast because of the bags) I ran to the bus station paid my ticket and got on I was now leaving las angelos thank god I rest my head on the chair and soon found myself falling asleep......When I woke up I was again back in my bedroom THEY FOUND ME THAT FAST!!! Okay slow down take deep breath I reminded myself I stood up and walk downstairs I which I hadn't, niall Louis and zayn was pacing the room looking angrily I jump because they let out a dangerous growl Liam and Harry ran to me before the could  saw me.Babe come on you don't won't to anger them anymore than they already are Harry warned me I nodded while they drag Me upstairs they sat Me on the bed "now we have a lot to tell you' Liam replied indeed you fuckin do I snap at them his eyes change to a color red very fast I jump back and whimpered Harry then said Liam deep breaths I nodded.Once he was done he then explain what how and how they became a vampire apparently their manager Simon was a vampire he has the gift of creating vampires even human can be changed by him so they had sign up a slip not knowing it was the vampire paper to the freedom yes they are slaves they will never be normal again.So that's all so wait there's one more question? I ask what is it? Harry replied I want to become a vampire and how do you be one?  They said no and it's hard because we have to bite that person or what so ever ' so are zayn,Louis and niall okay? I ask yeah their find want to go downstairs? Liam ask me yeah he grab my hand and we walk down the hall down the stairs and to the kitchen.There stood the three I was scared of I sat down at the table and look up at my eyes lashes at them just because I was so afraid.You okay? Louis ask I nodded Liam whispered in my ear that once they're the they inner vampire out and once the got back to normal they forget everything.Yeah am fine Lou so what happened back there? Yes Louis I already know what's going on I finish before he could say anything else " And Where The Hell You Thought You Was going !!? He boomed sternly yet protectivly. i Laugh at His protectness I nodded though.Okay will you go on tour with us? He suddenly ask I shook my of course I would I mean who wouldn't anyways you should get ready because we leave tomorrow morning that was all it took I flew upstairs I heard them laugh...I open my to zayn jumping up and down on my bed I yank the covers away from my body so that he will fall and he did laughing as I got up I replied to him " don't wake me up- I look at the clock it said 6:35  at 6 35 I finish he gave me the finger and ran before I could hit him coward I mumered under my breath and got ready for the tour.Once I was packed I yelled for Harry to help me carry my stuff downstairs he growled but still helped out " everyone to the car!' Louis yelled I ran downstairs but got stopped.And Where do you think you're going? Louis the car on tour with you guys I said answering his question looking up at him since he was so tall.Not with the running and attitude he glared softly at me,Ugh! fine I stomped my foot That a girl he ruff my hair I laugh and we both,race to the car at a unhappy one direction we left and pulled off since Louis was the oldest he wad driving us to the thing or whatever I just hope this goes right,I close my eyes and fell asleep the last thing I heard was a voice saying I love you sleep well and pulled me somewhere but I was too tired to tell who the voice was...

Sorry it's short I'll try to make it longer am trying my best trust me.

I Got Adopted By Vampires:A One Direction Adoption Story Very Slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now