Chapter 7

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(💝💝 Lyric Point of view💝💝) I woke up and groan I hate mornings I tried to get up but was pulled down by someone and that someone is zayn I glared at him and push his hands away.

What's wrong? He ask frowning.

I just shrugged I put my sheets on the ground and start walking downstairs Louis! He apperead.

What's wrong?

Make me breafeast! I said sasily

I got my sasseness came from Louis that's what happens when you live with vampires especially Louis

I can hear you you know Louis replied mind linked to me

I know since you in my head 24 seven I hiss

I rolled my eye's get moving am waitting on breakfast you know!!!!

He just growled and was gone thank god

I heard that!! I rolled my eye's again stupid vampires


I want to go to dinsneyland! I yelled out at no one

Liam spit out his coffee/ blood they can eat and drink as long as it got blood in it

Why would you say that? Harry ask

Because am bored and it would be lovely for us to get out and have a vacation I said looking at everyone in case they say no I pouted they said yes of course.


Ugh! I groan what now!

If 5 seconds of summer comes of course I would love to Fuck michael

Excuse me?! Language!! Louis growled his eyes turning red for a moment not liking me saying what I  just said I laugh.

After that I went in the living room and took out my phone zayn kept saying check your Twitter i said no but he keep bugging Me so here I am now trying to see it's something gonna happen or what?

Louis then walk In his eyes blood red I gasp and scut away from him,his nostrils was flaring and he was smirking evilly at me.

Louis calm down! Yeah? He growled and was in front of me In seconds " ready for me to drain you love? His voice start changing what the Fuck?! Liam help!!!! In seconds Harry,zayn and niall took him out of here he stayed where we was now

Are you alright? Harry ask making me jump I didn't hear him come In humans can't just seem to hear vampires feet on the floor.

Yes,but why did he suddenly decided he wanted to drain me? I ask they shrugged but Harry decided to go ahead and answer me.

Louis didn't feed in a while and plus your blood smells wonderful he lick his lips and start inching towards me I backed up in fear the hell is wrong with everybody!!?

Harry grabbed me and start running leaving everyone behind I laugh a little he was funny in a way.


Harry where are we? I ask the tenth time he snarled and I shut up he laid me and the grass and took off his belt he took of my pants.

No!!! I screamed kicking but it was no use he was using his vampire strength.

Tears ran down my face I trusted then I should of never anyways.

Then I felt something on my neck he wasn't raping me!!!  He was sucking my blood!?

Harry  stop! I heard a voice command.

I look up Louis and the rest where here they pulled zayn off I look down and yes my pants where on me.

Are you okay lyric? Liam ask I nodded.

Now I know what happened i was hallucinating it was all in my head!!.

Come on let's get you out of here zayn softly said to me I haven't seen him since this morning.

Once we maded to the house zayn to me to his room and I rest my head on his shoulder I soon found myself going to sleep not before thinking one More thing tomorrow is going to be a special day!.

I open my eye's zayn was jumping on my bed once again I lift up my cover so he could fall I laugh as I heard a thud ha! Take that! I laugh but soon stop it was too quiet I soon was on the floor and him laughing ha ha very funny! I growled.

He ran out the door before I could catch him he'll learn one day.

I was shouting profanity under my breath am very sure louis heard me but he didn't come upstairs.

I heard you we all did! Came the voice of vampires also know as my guardians.

You may think this is weird talking out loud but hey they minding linking me!

Hey! Come downstairs we have a surprise for you!

What is it?

Come and see!


I walk down the steps and gasp " twins!" I swear I never knew you had a twin.

What's there's name oldest to youngest.

Harry stood up and step forward.

Harry Edwards styles he back up and waited.

William Eric styles (a/n that's the best middle name I can come up with) and he back up.

Your cute! I blush after I Said that thanks he replied your not to bad yourself only making me blush more.

Alright ready to go lyric? Louis ask Me.

Of course he grab my hand and we all walk out the Door '5 seconds of summer here we come!!!'

When I got my ticket to say I scream so loud am surprise Paris didn't hear it.


As we got in the car I saw a familiar car then I screamed again Louis clapped his hand over my mouth shut up! He ordered.

I nodded

Now why are you screaming I shook my head like they where idiots which they are now!

That' s 5 seconds of summer car you stupid brains! I yelled and hope out the car screaming till I got to him I gave him a hug but I start feeling funny I rubb my trait and everything went black....

1,000 words counted thats a new record for me even though is already one's

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