Chapter 4

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( ****Lyric Point of view****)

Lately the boys having been ignoring me ever since the tour they been to busy as they say and am sick and tired of it why won't they pay attention to me!.

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that's lyric babes and yeah her name isn't lyric Anne Mae summers anymore it's lyric Louise Tomlinson)

(Cool I know right)

I HATE YOU GUYS!!!!! I threw my pillow on the floor it hit the floor really hard causing my lamp to break  that's when all hell broke loose zayn came up to my room which was right down the hall from them he barge in with out even asking! I mean who does that?!.

What is this all about ly,you been bad ass hell lately cussing,shouting and even throwing things! And am sick and tired of it!.

Fuck off! I yelled at him running out the room cause I know he hates when I do that and right now he is.

I laugh about 20 minutes later I bump into Liam I grunted and he caught me " what's wrong?"zayn was all I said he put me behind him protecting already.

Zayn ran up to us and said give me lyric!

Why? Liam glared

Because the little shit cusse at Me and I won't have it! He glared back.

Oh shit I thought one direction fight who's gonna win? I bet Liam he'll fuck zayn up zayn won't even land one punch.

We'll you definitely ain't getting here now since you calling her out her name! Liam yelled causing looks.

Zayn laugh and said really? And he tried at grabbing me but Liam shove him back and that's how they start fighting I ran down the hall.

Help! Someone yelled as I ran past a door I stop and walk back to the door hello? Lyric princess let me out! Can you please stop yelling and who the hell is this? It's Harry- Damn it lyric let me out or else! He yelled How Fuckin Dare he?! You're gonna be in there for days then I walk off but stop once I saw Louis.

Says who? He ask

Me I sassily said  and ran down the hall screaming soon the security came and I stop and walk around looking for food and a cute boy came up to me asking for my number I gave it to him of course and niall can't stop me! You see Niall is the protective's one of them all over me he won't let me date he won't even let me look at boys I have to look ahead of me if I do you guys don't won't to even know (she gets spanking's)

Anyways I was very bored nothing much to do as I was walking a girl came by me and rolled her eyes at me and say " pathetic" EXCUSE ME HOE WHAT PLANET YOU LIVE ON! I know in hell she didn't not just fuckin say that!!!  Oh yes she did my other thought said well we'll see about that!.

Excuse me? I bark I mean what's up with these Damn girls these Damn days? them and they fuckin attitude she had no fuckin right.

You better watch your fucking mouth little Bitch!I yelled in her face she shove me and I punch her it went like that for a while I pick up a shovel that was next to me on the floor don't ask there are Gardner's here so I throw it at her hit you heard it too that's when people came out screaming Oh My god Someone Call 911! These people are so dramatic I rolled my eyes and walk away.

I ended up bumping into zayn he glared down at me and shove me away Vampires these day's! That's right there vampires and I know I'll tell Liam how bout that I snapped at zayn as he walk away from but what I didn't expect was him to come back to me.

He grab my hair I yelp In pain I started to scream but he covered my mouth  you Fuckin disgrace! I said in my mind
I heard that!! A growl yelled in my ear zayn?  Yep no running now babe not even to liam! I squealed and start,kicking but he held my leg pretty tight.

Fuckin strength! I screamed in my mind

You do know I can hear everything right?

Fuck off!

I didn't expect what to happened next I felt a sting on the side of my face tears ran down my face I look up at him to see if he'll stop because of my tears but he didn't he kept glaring.

Liam! I sobbing please hear me!

But he didn't came louis and Harry they pulled him away and called Liam he speed down the hallway and pick me up.

You okay darling? He ask me

Am fine I snapped

He held his hand up in surrender sorry he apologize
That's why I love him so much he doesn't have a anger problem like the rest who am I to kidding I have anger problem too I even go to anger management.

Liam where are we going? I ask him after I saw him walk past my door.

We are going shopping babe until they get zayn under order then we can come back if that's alright to you yeah?

I nodded I love shopping we walk outside got in the car and he drove off to the mall.

I pick out everything yes I am spoiled.

Alright ready to go? Liam ask me.

Yes I replied we walk out not without being mobbed by the fans a few tried aguring with me but knowing me I slap they ass and even spit in there face take that!! I yelled as Liam pulled me away from the girl I had pulled her instenction( the good  expensive hair) out it ain't even fuckin real!!!!! I yelled.

That's enough lyric go wait in the car!.

But- NOW! I flinch and ran to the car and got in Liam put all the bags In the car ' when we get home upstairs in the corner am I understood?

Yes I look down at my feet as if they where the biggest thing in the world.

Yes what? Liam demanded

Yes sir Damn!!! I screamed

That's it you earned yourself a spanking too bare yourself too.

Liam please! I begged when I tell you they licks hurt they do they and it's not helping since they vampires imagine getting spank by a iron hurts like a muthafucker don't it?

No more buts lyric when we get out- he didn't get to finish because zayn ran out and put his nose in the car window growling Liam then start giving him these looks " are they alpha talking?" i guess they are anyways I got out and got in my favourite corner that was in my room "best friend's?" I told the wall Shit it's the only thing that understands me.

Now just to wait on Liam but I ended up falling asleep...

I Got Adopted By Vampires:A One Direction Adoption Story Very Slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now