Chapter 14

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(************Leona point of view*******)

" there all done" I replied I look at my drawing my drawings wasn't so bad just look at it I cooed.

( picture up top)

There was a knock at my door i grumpily open it I already knew who was coming in to scowl me some more.

Liam Payne.

That was his name I hate him,fucking hate him.

' you do know I can hear you right?' He replied glaring slightly at me in return I rolled my eye's I ain't scared of him.

Yes I hear you, so can you leave now? I have stuff to do. I snapped at him I heard a growl that use to scare Me but not anymore.

See this is why your grounded! You have a big fucking nouth! He snarl at me the door open and they grab Liam taking downstairs everyone left louis turn to me and his eyes soften mines to I really did miss him.

I miss you I mouthed at him he mouth it back before blowing me a kiss I pretend to catch it once he left I let the tears fall I hate being grounded! And I hate being from louis!

I then smirk I just got an idea and they where not going to Like it except Louis he'll be proud.

Oh,you want to know how I got in trouble and where am at now?

Thought you never ask.

( 3 weeks earlier: because a week added because of her grounding.)

*** The hospital***

They look at me. I let it all out.

You guy's are the worst fucking guardian's ever!!! I hate liam! Niall nearly killed me!,louis I u so Much! Zayn you are boo! Why can't you guy's leave me alone! I yelled at them.

They look shock and Liam face twitch in a snarl.

I flinch and sat back down staring at them waiting on there answers.

You disobedient fucking child!!! HOW DARE YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT!!!  He roared.

I smirk my plans where working fine thank you.

I smiled and close my eyes resting I soon feel asleep to them arguing I swear I heard a snap....

***!back to reality****

I stared blankly at the wall I decided to take a bath.

I walk to the bathroom  I turn on the shower and let it run...




I was still bored so I decided to draw some more pictures.

I grab some papers,pencils,penicel sharpener,crayons and some glue.

I laid it all down and laid so that my stomach was on the floor.

I start drawing after 20 minutes with concentration I was finally done.

I smiled in victory, I stood

up I then added glitter to so that it stood out more

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up I then added glitter to so that it stood out more.

Pick and light pink maybe some white in it too.

I grab the glue and put it on the wall now it's my personal wallpaper.

Leona! Dinner! I heard Louis voice downstairs I smiled and ran downstairs I smile at him I got one and return me and Liam glared at each other.

I sat at the table zayn grab my hand from under the table and squeeze it.

I blush and hid behind my hands niall ooo'd at me making me blush more.

Once everyone pass there meals to each other we start eating.

I got this feeling in my stomach that something bad was going to happen.

I excuse myself from the table zayn was not to far behind.

He grab my hand and we went to my room and we laid down in bed together he pulled the covers over me and himself he kiss my forehead told me go to sleep and that was all I remember I fell asleep......

I Got Adopted By Vampires:A One Direction Adoption Story Very Slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now