Chapter 11

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Not gonna be long just a quick chapter I want her name change and I want it change now!😇

( ***Use to be Lyric point of view***)

Layla? No. Lisha? No. Lilly? No.

I shook my head I was just bored out of my mind this names weren't good at all.

Lia? No.Liz? No. Leatricz? What the hell is that? No.

Oh come on there's has to be a name you like?

"I shook my head none of these names I like" I stood up.

Where you going? Niall ask me.

To take a shower when you come up with a name just shout or yelp my name.

Once I was done with my shower I got I already had my clothes on I put my hand over my heart I just gasp niall scared the shit out me what was he still doing here?

Niall your scaring the shit out of me! He was staring at me blankly then his eyes widen I turned to try to flee to the bathroom but he beat me to he grab my arm and we where on the bed.


well someone gave this boy to much surgur.

I heard that!😠

I just smiled innocently.

So I was sitting on this bed right here- he pointed at the spot he was in and continued - thinking and I c- lyric are you listening?! I nodded.

Good. Anyways i came up with Leona Louise Tomlinson sound good.

I nodded it actually did I gave him a hug and thank him he left not before saying 'your welcome'....


We  where all on the couch I was petting and flirting with Williams he then purred out of nowhere.

I flinch " the hell your vampire too?" He nodded.

If my twin a vampire why wouldn't I be? I just shrugged anyways I Lean into him and relax soon closing my eye's the damn door open 5 minutes later it seems I open my eye's and gasp and shit I tell you I shouldn't of never I open my damn eyes!


Williams is In black with the champagne in his hand and Harry is wearing a white shirt cool yeah?.

Till all meet again - isa

I Got Adopted By Vampires:A One Direction Adoption Story Very Slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now