Chapter 6

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(**** Lyric point of view****) as we where walking zayn suddenly stop I look up zayn- I didn't get to finish his lips where on mine's I moan as he lift me up by my a*s I wrap my legs around him and we kiss till we got out of breath we'll me technically.

Why you Kiss? I ask Liam was gonna be piss but as I recall I think he likes me more than a freind or daughter.

Because ly,I really like you I was hoping you could be my mate? He look at me waiting on my reply.

I- before I could open my mouth Liam was right infront of us I curse to myself for Liam's timing.

Actually she's just leaving! He hiss at zayn his eye's bloody red and his fangs out I step back i knew he wasn't gonna hurt me or anything but zayn is the one am worried About.

To my surprise zayn step back and put his hand's up in surrender I gasp this wasn't zayn the zayn I know would of said something back or attack already.

As Liam drag me to the car I look back at zayn his head was down he was breathing hard and funny I could of swear I saw tears I felt my heart exploded he's hurt! And Liam don't care all but himself but something is up though.


Hey pumpkin! Louis cheerful voice ring out as I got in the house I ran to him and start crying he wrap his arm's me " woah!, tell me what happened?.


We'll Liam here bitch out on me and wouldn't let me see zayn I think this is going up in his head I raise my hand and made air circles around my head to let him Know he's crazy for coco puffs.

Louis laugh but Liam growled he shot him a look and he nodded "
Lyric got to your room while me and Liam here talk for a bit okay?" He ask suddenly I shook my head if he was gonna talk to Louis than am staying.

No was my replay if Lou stay then I am too.

I then felt a sting on the side of my face tears ran down my face did he really just hit me? I thought he love me!!!!

You dare talk to Me like that!!!! He roared not happy with Me being a smartass but that's who I am.

I ran to my room before anyone else say anything to me tears poured out my eye's like water falls.

I cried for hours I thought he love me ? Do you supposé to hit thé person you lové?

Zayn came in my room an hour later " how are you feeling? He ask.

I sat up am doing fine except from the slap earlier am fine.

Ly, he pulled me in his arms and rock Me back and forth he start humming ' what makes you beautiful' I close my eyes resting my head on his chest which was raising I soon was out like light...

I open my eye's zayn was asleep next to me and Liam had a knife over my head trying to kill us? Nope nothing going on here I use my telekinesis power on him he flew out the door " how did you do that? I look at zayn wide eyed expression I couldn't help but laugh.

I turn my body his way not before looking over my shoulder making Sure Liam doesn't come at any moment.

I have super powers was m answer I look around making sure he ain't no where I could find him, relax lyric babe he's not here that cause me to relax a little.

I got off the bed and went to the bathroom and peed wash my hands.

I got back in bed ten seconds later a hot steamy dreamy Liam came in with a calm Louis.

What do you guy's want? I ask glaring at Liam he was no longer my favourite Louis was.

We want to talk about what happened earlier was his reply I groan and laid back on the bed.

Please honey!? Louis gave me the most adorable - cute sad puppy dog face ever I couldn't say no even if I tried alright I sigh which cause him to laugh Liam sat on the bed but didn't say anything huh weird.

(Skip talk because am lazy)

My mouth fell open it been like that for 15 minutes my mouth muscle is sore but I can't seem to close my mouth.

Zayn is your soul mate but if you want to just say y'all just be boyfriend and girlfriend Louis had replied

How is that even possible? Is Liam alright he Been upset since zayn and was walking earlier? I told louis

Yeah he's fine louis replied you see he really likes you more than a friend and he wad hoping you be his Louis finish

So Louis close my mouth I laid back over the covers and laid there thinking to myself him and Liam left five minutes ago leaving me and zayn alone to ourself's.

Are you alright? Zayn ask me I nodded " am fine just tired my voice broke I laid down and close my eye's the last thing I heard was...

Sleep well princess

Sorry it's the next one will be longer so I've decided that she will be with zayn Liam and Harry will just be heart broken this is really making me cry anyways hope you enjoy.

- Bella😘

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