Nathanael gets suspicious

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  Once again, my art up there, original obviously in my sketchpad at home but it can also be found on My username is the same and so is my avatar pic. Oh and the picture doesn't have anything to do with the chapter! (I just wanted to share it)

  "Can I help you?" Nathanael asked, a bit worried. It's not every day that a superhero approaches you out of nowhere, right?

"Yeah, uh I know this is the city of love and all, but please don't kiss the sweet girl you're about to meet, thanks." And then he was off, before Nathanael could say anything.

Marinette finally showed up seconds after Chat left. Nathanael approached her before she really actually got in the park.

"On second thought Mari, I can't do today, how about the weekend?" Nathanael asked but didn't wait for her to reply and ran off. Leaving her to sit on the bench alone.

It was a beautiful day and the park wasn't too busy. But it was busy enough for a familiar blonde to be there.

"Hey Marinette!" Adrian waved walking over. Marinette cheered up and waved back. Adrian sat beside her.

"So what brings you to the park?" Marinette questioned leaning over her knees to rest on her propped up elbows.

"A photoshoot, but I'm taking a 15 minute break." Adrian lied and slid into the same position.

"Oh, cool." Marinette sighed and sat up, Adrian's eyes followed her.

"Well, I should head back." Adrian stood up and smiled to Marinette.

"Me too." She agreed standing up as well.

They waved goodbye and went home.


Marinette sat on her balcony, staring up at the midnight sky. It was a bit chilly that night, though it was turning into fall. Halloween was also coming up quickly.

"Hello Princess," Chat Noir landed beside her. Marinette jumped a little. "Sorry, did I scare you?" Marinette shook her head.

"How's my kitty?" Marinette scratched his chin and he started purring after a few seconds which made Marinette stop and laugh.

"I was good a few seconds ago." Chat frowned eyeing Marinette who rolled her eyes and continued to scratch his chin.

After a few minutes of talking and Chat purring, Marinette took him into her room. He was starting to shiver and so was she.

Chat fell asleep in her lap that night with a small smile on his face.


"Chat?" Marinette yelped in the morning waking up the heroine. Somehow he miraculously stayed in his transformation. (Yes I just made a pun)

"Marinette? You okay up there?" Sabine called from downstairs.

"Y-yeah I'm fine! Just...uh...saw a really big bug outside." Marinette called back down and rushed to the bathroom to go to the toilet.

Chat sat on the bed and waited for Marinette to come out. When she did, she was dressed and had a confused look on her face.

"Why are you still here?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Well I'm not leaving without my kiss, and, how about I drop you off at school?" Chat smirked. Marinette giggled and kissed him on the lips quickly but he grabbed her arm.

He pulled her back and kissed her for a longer period of time, she ran her hand through his hair and he pulled back to bite her neck lightly. "Chat, if you leave hickeys, Nathanael will notice and he'll get really mad or sad." Marinette warned.

Chat leaned back and smiled to her. "I don't know why you date that tomato-head." He sighed.

Marinette said goodbye to her parents and ran outside but bumped into chat again. He smiled, not saying anything and grabbed her waist, extending his staff so they flew over the street and into the courtyard of the school, landing right in the middle of a circle of people. They all gasped and backed up a tiny bit. Nathanael was part of the group and a spark of suspicion was in his eyes. But Marinette quickly doused that spark by jumping into Nathanael's arms.

"Oh! It was so scary!" Marinette cried dramatically. "I tripped and fell on the road, but Chat saved me from almost getting hit by a car!"

Chat smirked as the students around him oohed and ahhed. He flexed and Marinette rolled her eyes.

"Thanks...Chat...for saving my girlfriend." Nathanael smiled with gratitude at the hero. Chat winked at him and then looked at Marinette.

"Bye." She smiled. 'kitty' she mouthed afterwards. Chat blushed and ran off, extending his staff and flying over the roof. Marinette sighed quietly so Nathanael wouldn't hear her, smiling.

"Hey Girl! Come here!" Alya called waving her phone in the air. Marinette smiled at Nathanael and jogged over to her best friend.

"I know your secret!" Alya sang.

The princess, the cat and the tomato [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now