In the daytime, I'm a bull

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    Marinette woke up the next morning in a tight ball wrapping her arms around emptiness. It almost seemed like a dream. She sat up and flattened her hair, she must've moved around too much and her elastics fell out again. Looking to her clock, Marinette gasped at the time.

"I'm going to be late for school!" She exclaimed running out of her room with one of her shoes half off.

Once again, she ran across the street with her blue-black hair trailing behind her making it just as the red hand popped up. She ran past Alya who dodged the whip this time and almost tripped over her heel of the shoe as she stumbled up the stairs.

Marinette paused at the entrance for a slight second and charged at Adrian.

The blonde, was talking to Nino and didn't notice Marinette until she knocked into him and sent him flying. Nino just watched him take off from the ground in slow motion and flip in the air to land on his butt. Marinette panted and then looked up. Clasping her hand to her mouth, Marinette gasped.

"A-Adrian? I'm so sorry!" She apologized quickly and helped him to his feet.

"It's fine Mari." He smiled rubbing his behind.

"C-can I talk to you for a second?" Marinette asked taking his hand and pulling him behind the stairs. Nathanael hadn't shown up to school yet for some reason.

"What's up?" Adrian asked leaning against the wall.

"Can you tell me if I was dreaming last night or did you actually come visit me?" Marinette asked a little bit embarrassed.

"I did come visit you, then after a few minutes fell asleep." Adrian blushed at the memory.


Nathanael came late and his right cheek was red. The teacher gave the class some time to finish up a project but Marinette was already done. Same as Alya, Nino and Adrian. Nino walked up to sit with Alya and they joked around and made imitations of what they thought Hawkmoth would be like. (Picture at beginning of chapter)

Marinette waited for Nathanael to say something but he stayed silent and stared blankly at the desk. He didn't even bother to question Marinette's hairstyle that morning. So she gave up and asked to go to the bathroom.

While Marinette was washing her hands, a loud crash echoed through the whole school along with a series of screams and more crashes. Marinette checked the stalls for people and looked out to see if anyone was coming.

"Tiki! Spots on!" Marinette exclaimed and the little red kwami flew into her earrings and she transformed into Ladybug.

Adrian ran behind the stairs as everyone left in a panic. Once the school was empty, he opened his jacket so the black cat could fly out.  

"Plagg! Claws out!" Adrian shouted and transformed into Chat Noir.

Ladybug was already running towards the cause of the destruction when Chat flew in to run beside her.

"Hello Milady, long time no see." Chat winked.

Ladybug rolled her eyes. "Can't you focus please? This is serious."

Chat blinked, confused, something was wrong...but then again, now wasn't the time to ask.


(After the fight) I'm not imaginative enough to think up akuma names...

"Bye, bye little butterfly!" Ladybug released the purified butterfly from her yo-yo and watched it fly away into the clear blue sky. "Miraculous Ladybug!" She flung the hammer (Idk) into the sky and it cleared the destruction and fixed the object Chat cataclysmed.   

Ladybug held out her fist for a bump but Chat just looked at her with a confused glance. "Come on Chat, don't leave me hanging." Ladybug protested.

"Sorry milady, but you're going to have to hang a bit like a cat in a tree until you change your attitude," Chat looked away. "Pardon my rudeness but I was raised to speak my mind...I guess you were too."

Ladybug stared blankly at the spot where Chat had just stood with her hand in the air still. Shaking her head, Ladybug looked up in time to see the black cat jump off a building.


Her spots wore off before she got home and now Marinette was speeding through the city and once again, body slammed an unsuspecting Adrian who was just about to enter his house.

"What's the cause this time?" Adrian joked rubbing his lower back. That time he wasn't so lucky.

"Sorry, just trying to get home, there's a lot on my mind right now." Marinette apologized holding out her hand to help Adrian up.

 "Oh, well, I have to go home now...but here," Adrian handed her a slip of paper from his pocket. "That's my phone number, just call me whenever you need to talk to someone, okay?" He smiled, waved and opened the gates in front of his house.

"Bye." Marinette waved and walked back to her house. A strange, dorky grin plastered on her face.


Marinette finally got home and collapsed on her bed, sinking into the mattress. Tiki flew out of her purse and into her drawer to eat a cookie.

"Looks like I'll be alone tonight." Marinette sighed remembering the company she had the previous day.

"No, I count as company right?" A familiar voice asked from behind her. Marinette looked up and immediately sprung up to sit on her bed straight.

Chat smirked at her reaction. "Don't worry. I'm not here to hurt you, I just want you to listen, so don't talk until I'm done, please."

Marinette relaxed and nodded her head.

Chat took in a breath to talk. "I want you back."

The princess, the cat and the tomato [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now