How many times do I have to ask?

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    "What?" was the first thing Marinette could utter.

"Will you take me back?" Chat asked fumbling with his gloved fingers.

Marinette didn't speak, she just stared at him curiously, waiting for him to laugh and say it was a joke or something but then she realized he was being serious.

"W-why?" Marinette's heart skipped a beat out of awkwardness.

"I...I've been regretting what I said...I can't really sleep anymore...T-tomato is really starting to bug me...he's always...laughing with you...and...I'm...getting jealous..." Chat admitted.

"Nathanael has been acting strange around me..." Marinette muttered not meaning for Chat to hear her.

"I followed him home the other night...his dad abuses him." Chat confessed looking down.

"Why would you follow Nathanael home?" Marinette questioned. Chat thought she was trying to get out of answering his original question.

"I won't answer your question until you answer mine." Chat folded his arms and sat on her bed.

They spent 15 minutes just staring at each other. Both expecting the other to answer the question first. Then a small beeping noise scared Marinette a little bit. Chat's ring only had 4 pads left.

"Your miraculous is running out," Marinette motioned to his ring. He didn't budge. "Chat you've only got 4 minutes left! Go! I don't want to find out who you are!" 

Chat didn't move. "I won't leave until you answer me." He simply said and went back to being a statue.

"Fine! I'll think about it! Just go!" Marinette pushed him.

After Chat left, Marinette locked the window and trapdoors on both the ceiling and the floor. She turned off her light and slipped under her covers, realizing how cold it was underneath, Marinette remembered all those nights when she was cuddling with Chat under the covers and his body temperature helped warm her up. She never admitted it but she did somehow notice when he left even if she was asleep.

"You still love him don't you?" Tiki interrupted her train of thought. Marinette looked over at the kwami that was neatly sitting on the corner of her pillow.

"Who?" Marinette acted dumb and Tiki looked at her with one of those "seriously?" faces.

"Chat Noir." Tiki couldn't believe she had to spell it out for her.

"I don't know anymore Tiki...Maybe." Marinette shrugged and she trailed her eye line to the ceiling.


(I'm skipping the school part, nothing happened really that was important except Marinette was late again and Adrian hit a growth spurt during the night, a miniature one though)

Chat jumped out of Adrian's window, leaping for Marinette's house with a red rose in his mouth.

Marinette was in her room, alone, so Chat jumped up onto her roof landing with a soft thud.

He opened the trapdoor that Marinette forgot to relock that morning and walked down the stairs.

"Hi Chat." Marinette said from her table not turning around at all. She just continued her sketch.

"Did you make up your mind?" Chat asked after taking the flower out of his mouth.

"Yeah, I did." Marinette turned around and Chat handed her the rose. She placed it in a vase with a dying pink one, the rose Chat had given her a while ago.

"Ok, so, lay it on me. Yes or no?" Chat put his hand behind his back.

"I...I'll be your girlfriend again...silly kitty." Marinette's plain face showed a small smile and a rosy blush across her face.

Chat's eyes sparkled and he couldn't help but laugh and cry at the same time, he picked Marinette up and spun around with her in the air.

"P-put me down!" Marinette grabbed Chat's wrists and panicked. He put her down wiping his eyes. "N-now you have to answer my question!" Marinette pointed at him.

"Oh right...why I was stalking Nathanael..." Chat sighed and avoided eye contact. "Well...I guess you could say...I was a little bit jealous...ok...a lot jealous..."

The princess, the cat and the tomato [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now