Broken Heart

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   My art again, everything else for the next chapters or books in general is most likely just going to be my art

    Alya sighed, she frowned and then looked from the classroom door to Nathanael in the back row. He was looking at the door and then outside and then checking his phone continuously. A spark of pity lit in Alya's stomach as she watched the poor tomato, cluelessly wait for a princess that never belonged to him.

Adrian walked in with his head hanging low, he was regretting everything he'd just done. Marinette didn't deserve that. She also had a point too; she wasn't a person that could easily break someone's heart, especially Nathanael's, he had a crush on her for a long time, even after the Evillustrator incident.

"What's wrong dude?" Nino asked when Adrian sat beside him.

"Nothing man, I'm just tired." Adrian shrugged, never taking his eyes off the desk.


Marinette remained in her bathroom for the next 6 hours, when she got hungry, she drank tap water. Her parents left her a plate of food outside the door that she snuck into the bathroom and ate. But other than that, she never left.

Adrian transformed as soon as he got home and ran so fast he was basically flying across the rooftops. He spun in the air vertically and landed right through the trapdoor at the top of Marinette's roof. But he soon regretted it when he saw who was inside the room with Marinette.

Nathanael gasped at the black cat at the same time Marinette did.

"Sorry." Chat Noir blushed in embarassment.

"Why are you here?" Marinette demanded, folding her arms resisting tears.

"I wanted to check on you, that's all." Chat sighed leaning on the steps.

"Well, I'm fine, so you can go." Marinette spat.

Chat nodded to Nathanael and left.

"W-was that really necesary Mari?" Nathanael asked. Chat paused on the roof just getting ready to bounce off.

"I-I'm sorry," Marinette sighed to Nathanael. "I just...I'm not myself today." 

"Then maybe I should give you some space to cool off." Nathanael replied coldly.

Chat sighed and watched Nathanael leave. He followed him back to his house and watched him through the window of his room.

Nathanael sat on his bed and started crying, suddenly, a tall, red haired man, most likely his father, walked in and started yelling at Nathanael. The tomato yelled back and the father slapped him across the face. Nathanael rubbed his cheek, crying even more and mumbled something. The father said something else and left.

Chat sighed, he didn't know this happened to Nathanael and now he felt bad. Suddenly, Chat realized the similarity between him and Nathanael. He remembered what his relationship with his father was like...his father...

Shaking his head, Chat remembered why he transformed in the first place. Racing back to Marinette's house again, Chat jumped onto her roof and realized the trapdoor was locked. He grumbled and swung down to hang in front of the window, it was also locked. But Marinette was sitting at her desk working on a design. Chat tapped the window.

Marinette didn't look up. He tapped continuously waiting for her to look over and see him. He started banging on the window after a few minutes but Marinette didn't budge.

"Fine." Chat yelled. He bounced off the ledge with tears in his eyes, but then, a spark of hope lit inside him. He swung into an alleyway and de-transformed.

 Adrian walked down the sidewalk and opened the bakery door.

"Welcome back son!" Tom smiled from behind the cashier.

Adrian waved and smiled. "Is Marinette home?" He already knew the answer.

"Yes she's just upstairs go on up." Sabine smiled and waved him off. Adrian nodded and climbed up the stairs to knock on the trapdoor.

"Who is it?" Marinette called.

"It's Adrian."

The door opened in 10 seconds and Marinette was smiling down at him.

"Hey Adrian! Come on up!" She waved him up. Adrian climbed out of the trapdoor.

Adrian climbed up and sat on her bed. Marinette sat on her chair and swiveled to look at him.

"So, what brings you here?" Marinette asked.

"You weren't at school today...why?" Adrian asked putting his chin in his hands.

"C-can you keep a secret?" Marinette asked.

"Depends, will it hurt someone if I tell?" Adrian asked.

"Yes, very badly." Marinette answered flatly.

"Oh, would it hurt someone I know?" Adrian questioned, he already knew the answer and the secret.


"I bet I could keep it, if it means you'll come back to school tomorrow." Adrian winked, acting a bit like Chat.

"Ok, my secret is...I've been dating Chat Noir for the past few months." Marinette admitted.

"What? I thought you were dating Toma-Nathanael." Adrian acted surprised.

"Yeah, but he's pretty dull...and...Chat is fun to talk to...and cuddle with." Marinette blushed.

Adrian blushed too. "Is that the reason you won't come to school? Because of Nathanael?" Adrian asked after a short pause.

"No...Ch-chat broke...-" Marinette started to tear up. "He broke"

Adrian was stabbed with guilt as he watched his princess cry. Because of him.

"Maybe you just need to talk to him..." Adrian suggested putting a hand on Marinette's shoulder. She fell into him and he cuddled her. The sweet smell of her melting him. She calmed down and hugged him back.

What have I done to her? Adrian asked himself.

The princess, the cat and the tomato [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now