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    Marinette woke up in her room, tucked delicately under her blanket and a glass of water was on her bedside table. She was propped up with her back against her cat body pillow and several other pillows.

It was dark outside so Marinette assumed it was late. She tried to lift her arm to grab the water but it wouldn't budge.

I'm still half asleep... Marinette realized. What happened anyways?

She looked around her room and tried to remember why she fainted. Then a quick flash of Chloe and Adrian kissing flew across her mind. Marinette gasped at the image, she held back tears. But then realized something...important.

I'm in love with Adrian...again...


Adrian forced the doors of his house open and stormed out to go to school.

"Chloe kissed me and made Marinette faint...she's going to regret ever touching me." Adrian swore to himself.

If anyone had ever had a doom-aura, it was never as strong as the one Adrian had now...

"CHLOE!" He yelled when he saw the treacherous blonde bullying someone who he couldn't see well.

She ignored him.

He stormed over, but stopped.

"Oh my god, you're such a drama queen, like, who faints because they saw some obviously meant to be people kissing? Like, I know you have a crush on him and stuff, but, that's so childish." Chloe rolled her eyes at Marinette.

"You know what's childish Chloe?" Marinette folded her arms. "You're attitude."

"Excuse me! But that is stupid, even Alya would admit to it." Chloe flipped her hair.

Marinette wanted to reach over and yank that disgusting, spaghetti-hair out of Chloe's head.

Chloe waited for a comeback from Marinette. She didn't speak.

"Whatever, it was a waste of my time to talk to you dweeb." Chloe stated after a short pause.

"Well it was a waste of my eyesight to look at your hideous, overly-applied makeup face." Marinette rolled her eyes.

"Excuse me?! This is a completely natural, fabulous look, suggested by Jean Boutlique himself!" Chloe insisted stomping her tiny foot on the ground.

"Who? He must be blind, or just have really bad taste." Marinette shrugged.

"Ugh! DWEEB!" Chloe shouted and stormed off.

Adrian smirked and walked over to Marinette.

"Hello Milady." Adrian smiled.

Marinette looked at him, confused. "Sorry, I think you have the wrong girl." She gestured to Chloe.

Adrian laughed. "Chloe? Seriously? I know what she did yesterday, but that's kind of ridiculous." He chuckled.

"So then, who do you like?" Marinette asked, wanting to know the truth herself.

Adrian smiled gently. "Someone you know, but she's taken." He looked away.

"Oh." Marinette sighed, realizing that's all she would know so far.

"But, that's ok! At least we're friends!" He smiled and then walked away to go up the stairs.


Nathanael raced down the hallway to the library, if the rumor was true, Juleka was actually in there, with...Jasper. (Just saying, Jasper is my own character that I imagined would be in another class)

He skidded to a stop in front of the library door but didn't hesitate to open it quietly. Inside he heard laughing, quiet talking and then silence. He peeked around the corner of a bookshelf and saw something that froze him in place.

Juleka and Jasper were...kissing...

Nathanael held back tears he didn't know he would've developed after seeing this. He backed away and left the library to run back down the hallway and into an unsuspecting Marinette who was currently spying on Adrian.

"Marinette! I'm so sorry!" Nathanael apologized.

"That's ok Nath!" Marinette smiled and stood up. Then she noticed the tears strolling down his cheeks. "What's wrong?" She asked patting his back.

"N-nothing, I was just reading a sad book in the library." Nathanael lied.

"Why were you running?" Marinette asked.

"Gets me places quicker." Nathanael shrugged.

I know I took that last line from the live Anne

The princess, the cat and the tomato [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now