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    "Ugh, what a suck." Chloe sneered after Marinette who skidded to a stop. Then stormed back, demon aura on full power.

"What do you want?" Chloe spat looking up when Marinette slammed her palms on the desk.

"Do you know what it's like to get shot in the shoulder?" Marinette asked quietly but there was definetely an edge to her tone.

"Of course not! I'm the mayor's daughter, my bodyguards protect me with-" Chloe was intterrupted by Marinette slapping her across the face.

"I don't give a crap about who you are Chloe, no one needs to know who your dad is," Marinette growled. "So next time, you try to insult someone who's feeling what you've never felt before, be prepared, because there's alot more where that slap came from."

With that, Marinette stormed back to her seat as Ms. Boustier yelled at her. Then she ended up in the principle's office.


After school, Marinette was walking around the park when Kim came up to her.

"Hey Marinette." He had his hands in his pocket.

"Hi Kim." Marinette smiled though she was a bit suspicious, didn't he have a crush on Chloe?

"C-can you apologize to Chloe for what you did to her today?" He asked, a look of humiliation plastered across his face.

"No, has she ever apologized for all the things she's done?" Marinette folded her arms.

"N-no, but...p-please? Or else..." Kim looked at the ground.

"I told you, no way." Marinette shook her head with her eyes closed.

Then the next thing she knew, she was on the ground, in the mud. Kim had pushed her. Her shoulder ached and then he kicked her in the thigh. The impact made her body contract and she fell on her side, face in the dirt. Kim walked away and a red flash went by before someone pulled her out of the dirt.

"Are you ok?" Nathanael asked helping Marinette clean off the mud.

"I'm okay, thanks Nath." Marinette smiled, a real one. Then she did something she'd never do. Kissed him.

Meanwhile, Adrian was walking by with Nino and they saw Nathanael helping Marinette and her kiss him on the cheek. Adrian froze in place. Stopping and then growling.

"You okay dude?" Nino asked putting a hand on Adrian's shoulder.

Adrian just shrugged it off and stormed over to them.

"Hey guys! Fancy meeting you here!" Adrian smiled putting a hand on Marinette's un-injured shoulder.

"H-hey Adrian." Marinette blushed.

"So, Nino and I were just heading to the art gallery! Did you guys wanna tag along?" Adrian lied.

"No-" Adrian slapped a hand over Nino's mouth.

"I think I'll pass." Nathanael sighed and started walking away.

"Um, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" Marinette asked sadly as he walked away in utter sadness.

"You poor, sad burrito." Nino whispered, a small tear rolled down his cheek.

"So, then are you in Mari?" Adrian's eyes lit up.

"Sure!" Marinette smiled a tiny bit.


At the art gallery, Adrian was skipping happily through the rooms and pointing at the masterpieces plastered all over the walls. Meanwhile, Marinette and Nino shuffled gloomily behind.

"Poor Nathanael." Marinette mumbled just loud enough for Nino and Adrian to hear.

"Yeah." Nino sighed while Adrian stopped in his tracks.

Suddenly, Adrian's hand was around Marinette's wrist and he had a look on his face that could kill.  

"Marinette come with me!" He ordered tugging her around the corner.

"W-wait! What about Nino?" Marinette blushed at the sudden contact.

"Just come." He snapped back.

Then, he turned around to face her, paused as he admired her innocent, clear bluebell eyes.

"Uh...Adrian?" Marinette almost whispered.

Without replying, Adrian leaned in and kissed Marinette right on the lips. She froze in shock but then realized how loose his grip was. She pushed him away lightly and a look of surprise was spread on his face.

"Aah! W-what was that for?" Her face was red with blush and she was forgetting something that was on the tip of her tongue.

Adrian ignored her and rolled his eyes. Before she could react, he leaned in and kissed her again.

Instead of fighting back, Marinette kissed him back. She didn't know why. But this taste on her lips, this smell, this feeling, was so familiar. It was almost like, she had kissed Adrian before...

But that was impossible.

The princess, the cat and the tomato [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now