7]Samara Wills.

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First there was chaos.
But not total chaos.

After I understood the situation, faster than most of the rest of the room-I looked around. I mean, these students had to know what to do in such situations right?

Around me, the other teenagers,mostly from Excalibur -urged their drunken and half dead brains to process the siren that had split through the party. Some were of course faster than others, most of those ones were now running around the room screaming.

Eyes widening in shock the other half of the students had frozen. While being occasionally shoved by the screaming others- they did a perfect impression of statues.

Somewhere else in the room a loud cry resonated," ALIENS, THEY'RE HERE, RUN!" I almost choked on air at the statement- not all of them could
Be that drunk, right?

Much to my surprise, more cries regarding alien invasions echoed over the chatter and the sirens,"AHHHHH" James yelled from behind me.

Cora had turned considerably pale in the past two minutes, Zane stood there with his head in his hand-a perpetual face palm and Ryan let out a grin that would put the cechire cat to shame. Me, well I was looking around for the fastest way to get Cora and I out of there.

"Lets go." I told Cora and started pulling her away towards the backdoor of the house which we had very conveniently passed while returning from our chat.

"But what about them." Cora answered, her eyes widened as if I were telling her to abandon puppies on the side of the road. I sighed, again.

"Well, they know what to do - they've delt with this loads of times. We on the other hand? Not so much." I replied over the screams. Cora's disheartened expression stared back at me uuugggghhh ," right boys?" I asked them with a glare and a pointed look, which definitely captured the,'do as I say.' Vibes.

Zane still had his head in his hand as chaos broke loose around him," whatever."

I turned my head to face Cora once again," see!" I said. Flashing her bright yet fake smile I gestured towards the boys," they'll be fine."

Reluctantly she let me drag her away but not before she wildly waved at the boys.

The journey to the back was too long. There were students which were frozen in shock-too scared to react. And then there were other students who were running around the house while yelling. Thankfully or unfortunately Cora and I were both used to being pushed around in a crowd.

When we did reach for the door knob- the alien invasion group decided to lower their volumes and conveniently the sirens stopped too. There was total silence which had now settled over the house.

Because standing there in his blue formal uniform was a police officer, who I am pretty confident-had not been invited. I don't care how popular Daniel was - even he wasn't that stupid.

Somehow the others in the room had also figured out that the police that had crashed the party was definitely not intentional. Or well, an alien.

I quickly turned the knob, but the door didn't budge. Trying again- now the only thing I could hear were the annoying clicks the door. The cool metal was now turning warm from the contact," come on." I whispered to myself.

I threw my hands up in the air in exasperation. We were done. Cora's eyes widened more-if that were possible.

I pushed myself into the kitchen counter- if I was going to get caught might as well find out what had silenced us. Cora tugged as my hand and her eyebrows scrunched up together with confusion.

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