10]blood sucking furies

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Recap- Samara Wills and Daniel Harrison were taken aside after Daniel's 18 birthday party at which Cora had been officially become the reason for the bet.

Zane had followed Samara and Daniel and had shown strong interest in the situation. Cora and Akira had run out of the party together. Cora denied knowing Samara but Akira knew that she was lying.

Zane and Akira started talking on the phone and Zane invited her to the Game at which her former teammates, the cheerleaders (a.k.a- 'blood sucking furies')
Invited themselves over for a bonding sleepover at their former team mates' house.


The week had gone by in a blur of arguments between Zane and I. Finally we had agreed to let Zane asked her on a date on Friday night, also the night I would be spending with the blood sucking furies from hell or what most people call them- Cheerleaders.

You were a cheerleader Akira, you were better than Christi.

I sighed and fell against my old locker which let out a groan is response.

Obviously Zane being a guy who had no balls whatsoever could not slip in a letter into her locker. He also argued that this was not because of his 'lack of balls' but for the fact that he wanted to ask her out like a gentleman and not stick some fandom quote into her locker.


"Hey babe." A hand slams against the locker and I squeeze my eyes shut. The smell of sweat invades my nostrils.

"Ryan." I let out like it's a curse word. Might as well be. "Do not call me babe."
I scanned him by craning my neck. A single word came to my mind-
Sweaty. Oh and ugly. Well not really-but girl's gotta try.

"Okay babe." Groaning I shoved him off me with little effort and he stumbled back,"whoa- girls got power, I wonder what else she can do..."

I groaned again and pressed my hand to my forehead," I can't do this right now... it's too early for your crap." Ryan opened his mouth in protest but I continued," Scratch that - I can never take your crap without seriously injuring you so don't even try."

"Look who's feisty today." Ryan said with amusement.

"Please go bother someone else." I looked at him in the eyes,"why are you here anyways-wasting your time with a lowlife peasant like me?"

"Whoa whoa whoa-back up. What's with the emo bitterness and the random mood swings." His eyes widened for a moment,"are you on y-"

"No." I practically growled back at him,"being in a bad mood doesn't necessarily mean I'm on my period-gods will you stop judging girls like that?!"

"Okay geez, I just wanted to have a civil conversation with a girl."

"You know loads of girls Ryan, you're Ryan O'Neil."

"No-like I mean girls I'm friends with-you know who I can talk to without feeling weird and stuff-" he said in one go and looked at me expectantly.

"Basically-girls you haven't slept with." His eyes widened for a moment. I'd been very blunt and caught him off guard. His smirk was gone and he looked surprised.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2017 ⏰

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