Chapter 1

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The dressing room around her bustled with quiet activity, the feeling of foreboding hung in the air around all the twenty chosen girls. Well nineteen of them at least, Fae wasn't worried at all. She had been preparing for this day for the whole eighteen years she had spent alive. The other girls saw being chosen by the Terrestrials as the end to the perfect life they were living, they saw it as leaving their homes and families to venture into the unknown, Fae knew better she knew what an opportunity this was.

When she was just five months old she entered the standard medical testing for the chosen. Her father liked to tell her how surprised the Terrestrial doctors were at how utterly perfect her DNA was, so similar to their own DNA that they had to check her bloodlines. Thankfully Fae was one hundred percent human meaning she was able to gain access to the Chosen program.

The Chosen Program started 200 years ago when the terrestrials first came to earth and realised that all the female babies that are born here were dry. The terrestrials faced the problem of their entire race being lost to the wind, so they the did the next best thing, started the Chosen program. The program required every female baby to go through testings to find the top 20 females from each state each year. The higher quality the DNA the more likely you were to be put into the program.

Being part of the chosen meant ultimately giving up your Motherhood. The terrestrials were not cruel though and gave these girls endless learning opportunities and countless other advantages to not only make them the best matches for the Terrestrial fathers but to give them a better life when they returned after producing their three babies. The human body was not made to carry Terrestrial babies though and after three you could have no more without a high chance of death to both mother and baby. So the Chosen could
never have children of their own.

Fae watched as the girls around her prepared to be presented to the terrestrials in the room next door. These girls were anxious to look perfect fussing with their hair and makeup, they all wanted to have the best match. Fae didn't really care much how she looked, she knew the terrestrials didn't care either. They just wanted her genes, her DNA.

A while ago professionals had come and styled the girls, showing them their clothes and how their hair should be styled. Fae just let them do their thing on her not complaining and fussing like the others. She quite liked the red gown they put her in, she thought it complemented her green eyes.

An older woman walked into the dressing room, she had the green tinge to her skin all terrestrials had and cheekbones you would cut your hands on. Hair white hair was slicked back and she wore the common white robes of the Terrestrial women. As she peered around the room the girls fell silent all of them knowing what was about to happen.

"Girls single file please and come with me" she projected her voice around the empty room with the authority only a terrestrial could hold, "remember to step forward when your name is called and under no circumstances should you speak without orders"

The girls lined up ready to, all of them trying to push to be in front. Fae waited a bit slotting herself second from the back behind a big giggling brunette in a tight blue dress and in front of a sobbing blonde in a lacy orange gown.

As the girls walked through the doorway in front off her Fae caught a glimpse of the crowd seated a step below the stage in rows of chairs. Each terrestrial held a pile of booklets in their laps, one for each girl.

These booklets detailed the everyday lives of the girls down to the minute. Every book they ever read, every subject they ever studied and the results of every exam ever taken.

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