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Donghyuck groaned as he woke up from his bed. He looked at the calendar. It was the day of Mark's party. Donghyuck sprang up and showered. He wanted to look presentable infront of Mark.

Donghyuck grabbed a pair of ripped jeans and a white tee. "Damn I look good." He mumbled. He brushed his red hair away from his eyes, thus making it a little messy.

"Uh, shit." Donghyuck grabbed a SnapBack and put it on. "No..looks weird.."

And that's how Donghyuck spent a total of one and a half hours trying to look good. He ended up with ruffed up red hair, ripped jeans and a white tee.

Jaemin had messaged him Mark's address so Donghyuck wouldn't get lost. He sighed and laid on his bed, feeling comfort as he rubbed his arms against the soft sheets.

Donghyuck looked over to the clock.


Thirty more minutes till the party starts. Donghyuck figured out it might take him quite some time to reach Mark's home so he went out of the house early.

He walked along the pathways, smiled at a dog who was barking at him and got a cup of Starbucks coffee on his way.

He reached Mark's house where music was booming out loud. Donghyuck felt his ears being killed slowly by it. He knocked on the door thrice until someone opened it.

"You are?" "Mark's Friend?" He answered. The man nodded and allowed Donghyuck into the house.

Cups, pillows, messy furniture was what Donghyuck could see. He saw Jaemin and Jeno talking to each other. He wanted to join them but decided they needed them alone.

Donghyuck grimaced and sat on a couch. "Donghyuck!!" He heard someone shout. It was Mark. He smiled awkwardly and saw his Girlfriend coming towards him.


Donghyuck twirled the phone around in his hands and looked the other way, totally ignoring the fact that Mark is standing right in front of him. "You okay?"

" just wanna be alone." Donghyuck said and continued typing on his phone. Mark frowned but nodded, pulling Eun away.

Eun scoffed and rolled her eyes as she thought Donghyuck was trying to give Mark attitude.

Someone eventually sat beside Donghyuck while he was playing a game on his phone. "Hii." Donghyuck turned around and saw a guy with multiple piercings.

"Hi." Donghyuck smiled at him. The guy let out a chuckle. "I am ten." " your name legit ten?" Ten let out another laugh. "No. Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul." Donghyuck looked at him confused. "Okay, wait what?"

"But just call me ten." He smiled. Donghyuck nodded. "Why don't you get a drink? Have a shot of vodka." "What'" Donghyuck looked at Ten. "It's alcohol but I doubt you will get drunk easily."

Donghyuck was hesitant but he decided to drink it anyways. He took the cup and sipped it a little. "Wow, it's bitter." Ten chuckled. Donghyuck drank a whole cup of the alcoholic drink and felt groggily.

Jaemin noticed Donghyuck's red cheeks from far when he turned around. "Hey, is Donghyuck already?" Jeno asked, standing next to Jaemin.

"Yah, he's fine. He just took a little drink I Guess." Jaemin laughed and prepared his camera for what's gonna happen.

He knows that.

Donghyuck can't handle alcohol.

"Hey Ten, let's go." Ten looked at Donghyuck and pouted. He pinched his red cheeks and walked off with Johnny. Jaemin chuckled. 

Donghyuck's vision began to turn glassy infront of him. His head was spinning. He was hiccuping.

By that time, Eun had already left.

Mark saw Donghyuck and sat down beside him. "Hey..woah, how many shots have you taken?"

Donghyuck let out a laugh. "Hey Markuuuuuu... You are so cuteeeee." He cupped Mark's cheeks. "Oh my goshhh, you are a dream.."

Donghyuck laughed again. Mark's face began to express worry. "Are you okay?"

"OPPA!" Donghyuck giggled. He twirled his fingers around Mark's hoodie. He pulled him closer. "Oppa, saranghaeyo!" Donghyuck laughed and pushed Mark off again.

Meanwhile, Jaemin was at the side, laughing his ass off while filming the whole process. Mark frowned and touched Donghyuck's forehead but his hand got pushed off.

"Markuuuuu you are sooooooo cuteeee!!!! Why aren't you mineee.." Donghyuck wrapped his arms around Mark's neck.

"I think you need rest, let me bring you up to my bed room." Mark said as he carried Donghyuck up to the second floor. "Jesus, who knows what are they going to do?" Jaemin laughed and switched off the camera function on his phone.

Mark laid Donghyuck on the bed and was ready to leave. "Ani, you are not leaving." Donghyuck pulled Mark onto the bed with him.

"Markuuuu, dooo you knowww how long have I been wanting to kiss your lips????" Donghyuck asked as Mark looked confused.

"I wanna kiss them soooo badlyy." Donghyuck laughed again. Mark shook his head. "Wae?" Donghyuck pouted. "I have a Girlfriend."

"whyyy isn't it meeeee!?" Donghyuck pouted again. "It should be meeee !!" He pointed to himself. Mark laughed at Donghyuck's drunk side. It was funny and cute to watch.

"Teach me how to kiss."

Mark was shook at the sentence. "Teach meee!!! So I can kiss you better!!" Donghyuck pouted. Mark gulped.

"I can't.."

"Then I will do it."

Donghyuck smashed his lips against Mark's. Mark wanted to push Donghyuck off but instead he wrapped his arms around Donghyuck's waist.

Donghyuck wrapped his arms around Mark's neck. He bit Mark's bottom lip and licked it to ease the pain. He started to play with Mark's hair too, twirling it from time to time.

Donghyuck smiled against the kiss and he deepened it. "Mmmmhmm..." Donghyuck pushed Mark's head even more towards his lips.

At this time, the drunk boy don't even know what's he doing.

Mark pulled away and Donghyuck giggled.

"I like that. It's the best lesson I ever had in my life!!" Donghyuck laughed and laid on the bed.

Mark smiled at Donghyuck. All cuddled up in blankets and falling asleep. It was a heated make out session but Mark still loves his Girlfriend.


He heard Donghyuck groan in his sleep.

"I love you.."

Mark laughed, thinking it was drunk words. He took out his phone and texted his Girlfriend. Eun and Mark were chatting so happily.

Mark smiled at Donghyuck and walked out of the room.

He sighed and joined back the party, leaving Donghyuck to sleep.

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